Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Filling the lakes & rivers

It rained throughout the night and is predicted to fall through the next week. As of yesterday Sacramento had about 77% of normal rainfall for the season. That's good news for the lakes & rivers, which according to many in Northern California, can then be diverted from the farmers and pumped into southern CA so they can water their lawns. That is what I've been reading, not necessarily my own views, so don't blame me SO CAL.

I still haven't removed the hoses from the waste tank, and I may be doing that lovely job tomorrow morning in the rain. Oh how I hope they will let me stay here another month and then I'll be on to another location. I'm getting hitch itch, but not to travel across the Sacramento River into a more crowded park.

Steve & Megan are having the dinner this month and today is also Steve's 34th birthday. I won't have to worry about cooking tonight - just need to scrounge something up for breakfast & lunch. I started wrapping the glassware in dish towels and will put the foam stuff between the plates & bowls just in case I move. There won't be much to do tomorrow except pack away the small appliances and pad all around the computer. I had it boxed and surrounded by styrofoam from NC to here and it was fine, but I don't want to have to unhook all those wires yet. I think I will be ultra careful and box it in the original carton when I travel to Lassen, the last 6 miles of which is a gravel road.

The word of the day here is RAIN!

1 comment:

  1. Southern CA pulls their water from Colorado now. NorCal water feeds the central valley farmers. So everyone across the country can thank us for their salads and wine!
