Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dental Work - ARRRRGH!

I visited the dentist this morning and had extensive xrays taken; then he did a very complete examination and came up with a recommended treatment plan.  I have had difficulty with my lower molars and thought I would just have them pulled and get a lower partial.  He didn't want to do that, saying the lower partial would be very unsatisfactory to me, much worse than an upper (and I don't care one bit for the upper).

What will happen first is to have a root canal in the worst of the teeth.  When all that is finished we will discuss which one should be next.  I will also have to figure out how to pay for all this, but it looks like I won't have much in the way of a travel fund this year.  I do believe that fixing all the dental problems can extend my life as well as make it much more liveable, so I will have the work done without too much complaining.

It looks like we will be having some rain and snow in the northern CA area, which will be so welcome.  It is raining off and on today and I am chilled to the bone.  I've been wearing my down jacket whenever I go out and it is extremely comfortable, even inside the stores, library, etc.  I wouldn't mind wearing it in my house although I'd feel pretty dumb doing it.

I'm making a pot of ham and split pea soup this afternoon, and it's beginning to smell really delicious.  That's something I haven't had in a number of years and probably won't want for another long time.  I tried to not make so much since I'll be the only one eating it.

As soon as the soup is finished cooking I think I'll take a nap.  I haven't been doing that as often lately, but today is the perfect day to wrap up in a warm blanket and rest my eyes for a while.



  1. ah .. soup and a nap.. good stuff

  2. I agree with you - problems with your teeth can affect your health, so it's a good thing you are getting this taken care of. You'll be able to take your trip, maybe just not as far this time around. There are so many nice places to go in your area. I used to just take off up Hwy 50 and find a good place with water to fish. Peace and quiet and maybe dinner, too. I used to go to Jenkinson Lake if I wanted to stay close to home, and it has campsites.

    Yummy soup - you are quite a cook. Sounds like you have a wide range of things you cook for yourself. :)

  3. Will there be a picture of the soup??? ;->

    Virtual hugs,


  4. You are so right that dental work is important to your health. Wish you had a dental plan. So sorry to hear so much is needed. But once you get all this behind you, you will be in ship shape!

  5. I wish we did have some dental coverage. I can now understand why so many older people go around without teeth. It's cheaper to have them pulled. So very sad. I love green pea soup with ham. One of my favorite. I often sit around the house with my coat on when I'm chilled. I don't care what it looks like - I just want to be warm and comfy. And naps are also good on cold dreary days. Hope California gets a nice rainfall. We could use some down here also.

  6. Los Algodones, Baja
    Right outside Yuma and Winterhaven, CA
    Like having dental coverage when you don't!

  7. getting your teeth in good health will make you a happy person. It is a health issue I never new about until it was right there in my face.
    I love ham and pea soup. My mom made a killer soup. Enjoy it it will warm your bones some.

  8. No question that without dental care, you overall health will suffer.

  9. No question that without dental care, you overall health will suffer.
