It was a challenge to get myself ready for my chiropractor appointment at 11AM, but I'm glad I did. He made some adjustments that have really helped the sinus infection or cold or whatever it is. I slept well last night, considering, (being warm makes a big difference) and it will no doubt be colder tonight but I'm ready for it. I have had no fever that I a tell by using the back of the hand across the forehead method (Dr. Mom). I can't find a brand new thermometer I bought about 2 years ago, and I'm not buying another one which I no doubt won't find when I need it.
Jeannie and Donald stopped by last night and he had the furnace going in no time. They called me on the phone this morning when they were on their way home from the hospital after Jeanne's surgery, and she sounded very good, probably a lot to do with whatever painkiller they used. I relayed to her what my orthapedic surgeon told me years ago when I had foot surgery, and that was to be very aggressive fighting the pain for the first 5 days. In other words, take the meds when it's time to take them whether you think you need it or not. It worked for me back then, and I hope she listens to me but then I have to laugh and wonder, does a daughter ever listen to the advice of her mother?
I hauled two loads of laundry across the street this afternoon to the dryer and as it turned out the sun stayed out and I probably could have used the clothesline but just don't have the ambition it takes. I feel like crap, to tell the truth, and I think I am going to see if I can get an appointment soon for dental surgery. There is no sense in waiting until January, when I am feeling worse by the day and honestly wonder if I could even make it to 2017!
I'm staying warm and comfortable in a pair of my new sweats today, plus a fleece top and my good fleece jacket. Now if I could just get myself motivated to walk again, but at this point I don't care much about anything. That's can be a dangerous attitude but I won't let it go too far.
I apologize if I've repeated anything from last night's blog - I should have read it before doing this one. Google gives me such problems that if I try to read it now before publishing this one I will never find my way back to where I am! But don't you know their developers are working hard to make the program better for us and easier to use.
Old Age Isn't For Sissies:
2 hours ago
I'm glad you finally got that furnace going. With everything else going on in your life, you need heat.
ReplyDeleteThat is for certain! I shouldn't have waited so long, but the cold nights came on pretty quickly.
DeleteOh, Gypsy. I am plenty worried about you. Please get to a doctor ASAP! Don't you have a regular doctor who could order a blood test? That would let you know if an infection is going on. If you have an infection, you need an antibiotic. Otherwise, I think things will only get worse. Tooth infections in people our age are not to be taken lightly.
Rose, I appreciate what you are saying, but I just can't get back into regular doctors and all the meds they love to prescribe. I just can't take meds - when I have had a tooth pulled I can take an ibuprofen when the novocaine starts to wear off, and then one more about 4 hours later, and that's it. Anything more gives me heart flutters, and the meds they prescribe for heart will kill me for sure.
DeleteI have some old fashioned amoxycillin (antibiotic) that they always want me to take before dental work. I may take it for a few days afterward, but that's it.
If the cure is worse than the disease, then I don't want it. Thank you so much for your concern, and I will be careful. I think getting this out of the way asap will be the best for me, although I will be down to a skeleton by Christmas if I can't eat (or take Ensure :-)
Just pulling the tooth will not take away the infection
ReplyDeleteBut the infection won't go away until the tooth is pulled as their is infection in the gum underneath it.
DeleteLOL at your last line. So true. You may have lost weight but you haven't lost your sense of humor. My daughter seldom took my advice it seems to me in spite of the fact that she tells me I'm always right.
ReplyDelete"I hope she listens to me but then I have to laugh and wonder, does a daughter ever listen to the advice of her mother?"
ReplyDeleteI would have to say...No, but at least you are aware of that :)
I had not gone online for two days and it was enough for those wonderful Google program developers to change where I find my blog list and add some other unwanted stuff...grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!