I woke up just before 8am, and a short time later turned on my computer. Something didn't seem right with the time, so I checked all my clocks and the last word was the cell phone, which matched the computer. I did a search for "is this the weekend of the time change" and found out that yes, we picked up an hour overnight. I stayed up and decided to go to the gym early this morning. I had an appointment with the chiropractor, and instead of rushing I had lots of time to get ready! I wonder how many more years they are going to keep up this farce of switching back and forth, especially when so many studies have shown that much productivity is lost for two weeks after the change, as well as physical maladies caused by losing or adding an hour. For at least the first few weeks I will try to get up earlier in keeping with what seems normal, but sooner or later I'll be staying in bed until close to 8 am!
I had no idea this was the weekend to "fall back" - guess with no newspaper and no TV, I'm living on the far side of the planet!
I found a photo of the Ireland farmhouse and started painting the sky; when that dries I'll add in the clouds, hillside, and figure out where to put the house. I started to sketch it last night and had out my ruler, pencils, and eraser. For some reason I found a Youtube video about painting windows and since I lave a few windows to paint, decided to see what it had to say. It said very emphatically to "leaver your ruler out of it". Don't measure anything; just paint it as your mind sees it. Well that makes me feel a little better, so if my final offering is a bit run-down looking you will know I just sat down to paint it - not make it technically correct.
I've been looking for photos I know should be on my computer and what I found shocked me. I am told I'm using a version of the Mac operating system that doesn't support the photos I'm trying to obtain. So a yet-newer version of the O.S. will bring me back the old stuff??? It doesn't make sense to me. I used to be a little smug about how wonderful the Mac was compared to all the complaints I heard about Windows, but now I think they must all be crap! And it's strictly for the phone users. I wanted to see if I could retrieve any photos from my big iMac, but I've moved it with the creation of my "studio" and the outlet on the wall doesn't take the plug with the extra prong. I will either find an extension cord or a power strip with a longer cord, or if all else fails I can carry my iMac and set it on the living room coffee table. Oh wait, that table is covered with 5 x 7 paintings, plus two large family photos that need to be hung! Will I ever get my act together?
Yahoo! the Bob Ross catalog I requested came in the mail today. I'm just looking, you understand, to see what they might have.
On a final note, I shouldn't admit it but I always have a big glass of water near me to sip on. The glass was sitting on the side shelf of my art table this afternoon, right next to the big cup of water I use to clean the paint brushes. Fortunately I didn't dip in the drinking water, nor did I sip on the cleaning water, but I learned a lesson! From now on my drinking water will reside on the computer desk across the room.
Silver Springs Land Side
7 hours ago
" I just sat down to paint it - not make it technically correct." Now there was a major step in becoming an artist instead of a camera imitator. Great move young lady.
ReplyDeleteI hope I can accept what I paint from now on, and not continually worry it doesn't look just right or like the picture. I like not being stressed so much, so I'm really determined to just paint, learn from my mistakes, and keep moving on. Thanks for your encouragement.
ReplyDeleteIn the resent change of computers I lost lots of pictures, first I had doubles and triples from the last install now I am missing many. I really wanted to post my Christmas village on Craig's List to sell and now I have no pictures of it.
ReplyDeleteThe technology of the day sure is messing up computers for everyone in their attempt to make it all work best for phone users. I'm getting sick of it, but am not going to switch at my stage of the game. When they finally shut me out, then I'm gone for good.