Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The dreaded fall!

Like many or most folks my age I dread falling.  It happens now and then but usually without anything too damaging.  This evening I was sitting at the table reading something on my computer, and wanted to go into the kitchen to check on my supper cooking on the stove.  I was carrying my computer and tripped over the space heater - not a terribly small device and it's a wonder I didn't see it!  I ended up with a big gash on my arm, and an even bigger one on my knee, which is really going to make walking difficult tomorrow.

On a happier note I'm looking out the front door at the most beautiful sky - all shades of red, a bit of gold and yellow, and a patch of baby blue here and there.  

I cooked some yellow beets for dinner that I had bought at the farmers market a week or so ago.  The farmer kept stressing that they were very sweet, and they certainly were very delicious.  The cooking water was also a beautiful shade of yellow!  I saved the largest of the three and will fix it tomorrow, and hope I can find the stall where I bought these beets next time I go to the market.

I got my hair cut this morning.  When I mentioned that I didn't know how long I would be able to drive to her salon, she said "Well then I will just have to come to you!   That is so sweet of her, but lord I would have to clean my house from top to bottom before I'd let her in it!

It looks like our weather is going to warm up for a few days.  I may even be able to keep the front door open and get some fresh air into the house.  I really need to go back to dealing with the weeds, but I'd first better worry that I can walk tomorrow!



  1. Isn't it amazing how we never get totally caught up with house
    chores? We are never through. Lol. If I'm relaxing I can always feel
    like I should get up and do do something.
    So glad your fall wasn't any worse than it was. Hope your knee
    doesn't give you problems.

    1. I am at the point where I would be so happy to just have the house clean, never mind the clutter! I won't really know about my knee until I get out of bed tomorrow. I think both wounds look worse than they actually are,though.

  2. We really need to be careful these days. While I didn't cut anything I sure bruise plenty. The worst was my knee that I must have hit on the bed post.

    Hope you see some nicer weather now.

    1. I think the weather is going to be really nice, then go back to chilly again. I am really careful when I walk and just can't figure out how I let myself do something so dumb.

  3. Oh dear. I hope today is an easy one for your knee. I've read that most falls occur at home. That's one nice thing about an RV, so small it's hard to fall except going out the door I suppose.

    1. The fall should never have happened because I am usually aware of the wires from the heater and the computer charger. I try to be careful, but when you stop thinking about safety then something happens.

  4. Be careful..we fall here - or at least I do - and it is usually because I move the wrong way and lose my balance. We seniors need to take extra precaution to keep from falling.

    1. I thought I was a very cautious person about preventing falls. But then I do something stupid like walk while looking at my computer in my hand!
