Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Friday, March 31, 2017

Nothing new happening

I just had an average day for me.  I like to take my time in the morning these days, and hate it when I have an appointment I have to rush to get ready for.  Like my 8am appoint for an echocardiogram this coming Tuesday.  I think I have had two of them in the past and only remember little bits about them.  I think I will have to walk on a treadmill for a short time during the middle of the test which should be a piece of cake for me, although if I remember correctly they set the ramp to incline a little more at a time.  I don't do inclines!

I went to the gym and walked, but didn't do much of a workout.  Maybe it's because I was by myself, although sometimes Jeannie, Ara and I are in the same area and other times we go to our favorite machines.  I wasn't motivated to do a full workout, which is probably just as well until I have the cardio done and can get some answers on my condition, what they plan to do, if anything, as well as what I can do and what I should avoid.  Generally speaking I think I'm okay with what I do at the gym because I'm more cautious and conservative than I used to be.

I drove to Target from the gym and saw something that horrified me, and the picture of it will stay with me for a while.  A young woman with a small toddler in a stroller was on the corner where I stopped for a red light, and  started across the street - 6 lanes of traffic plus a couple of turning lanes.  She tried to push the stroller with one hand and it kept going askew, but she never really straightened it out because her other hand was holding a cell phone to her ear; she was laughing and talking, and doing a better job of that than she did of getting her baby across the busy street.  That is disgusting and I think it should be illegal.  I wonder if a policeman would have even stopped to warn her if one had passed by.  Having raised four children I realize it's difficult to always give 100% of your attention to them, but phone calls can be returned when you get your child to safety.

(Stepping down off my soap box!)

I am just taking it easy today and will likely do the same tomorrow.  I will try to get to the market for some green vegetables; my appetite has been variable - mostly ravenous but sometimes not interested in food at all.  I'm not sure what is happening to me, but I wish I could put on at least 10# before surgery.  I can't eat hospital food and will surely lose at least 10# if I'm there a week or longer.  Maybe I'll be lucky and won't need surgery at all.  I think that is a possibility, although not likely.


  1. I'n with you on this cell phone crap, these mothers today are totally missing the concept of safety for their children. I also had 4 children and yes it is hard but harder when your stupid and can't put that stinking phone down for 5 min.

    1. I wonder what makes it so addictive that you can tune everything else out. Even when I talked on our old wall phone when I kids were growing up, I knew what they were doing and would put the received down if I had to take care of something. Pushing my child in a stroller across a busy street would take my entire attention, and I can't imagine the phone conversation being more important. I just heard on the news today that more and more people are being killed while walking looking at their phones - I guess crossing streets. If you can't use a cell phone while driving a car, then you shouldn't be allowed to use one while walking in front of a car!

  2. I agree about the stupidity of the mother with the cell phone. Reminds me of a time I watched a little boy--maybe 8 or 9 years old, crossing a major street on his way home from school with his eyes and attention glued to a phone.
    i think just as worrisome is the lack of attention SO MANY parents are giving their children nowadays. In the stores, at the park, in the car, parents are on the phone. These people are physically with their children, but not mentally. I think that not a good thing. On the other hand, I have seen so many little ones being entertained by playing with parents' phones. I saw one yesterday, couldn't have been a year old, totally engrossed. Maybe that is better than having a screaming little one?
    I sure wish you would be one of those who don't need surgery. When I googled, I read that maybe it won't be necessary. I can hope!!! Meanwhile, do take care....

    1. I think I'd rather have a screaming kid that needed attention, than a zombie staring at a phone (or a TV).

      I could be one who doesn't need surgery and then I can get on with my life, I hope. But I'm prepared for whatever happens.

  3. I have several parenting pet-peeves besides the phone thing. One being, the child stuck in a car seat because the parents are too 'lazy' to carry/touch their child. And we wonder why we have a generation of violent teens and young adults with attachment issues.

    I hope your echo-cardiogram goes well and they can give you some definite answers to your decline in energy.

    1. Unfortunately I think the use of cell phones has gone too far and is too pervasive in most people's lives that they will never reduce their dependency on them. I agree about children needing to be held and carried when possible - the sense of touch between parent and child is so important.

  4. I was in line paying at Walmart and the woman behind me was on the phone. Her son of about 2 or 3 was standing up in the basket and trying to reach the machine where your credit card goes. He started falling and if I hadn't been standing close enough to grab his arm he would have taken a header out of the basket. She never woke up until he started crying. It amazes me how many people let kids stand up in shopping carts. I'm sure if the kid falls out they will want to sue the store.

    1. Thank goodness you were there to catch the kid. You can't legislate common sense, but most people use no common sense at all when they are on their phones in their own little world. I'm getting so I hate hearing other people conversations all the time - most folks seem to talk louder on a phone - I think I do - and they make sure everyone around them hears their conversation.
