Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

More of the same!

The highlight of my week so far was going to the gym with Jeannie last night.  I feel a lot better when I work out, but don't think I'll make it today.

I had appointments with my dentist and chiropractor this morning.  The dentist has done a beautiful job of getting rid of the sore spots and while it's not like having natural teeth, I'm amazed that I've gotten used to the lowers as quickly as I have.  It's only been about a week and I have heard many horror stories about people not ever being able to wear them comfortably.  The cost is just about double what I've know some people to pay for a full set of dentures, so it wasn't cheap by any means, but if it works and I can use them then I will try to not complain.

My chiropractor explained some of my blood test numbers as they relate to Hashimoto's.  I haven't yet heard from Endocrinology, but the dr. said to give them two weeks to get back to me.  In the meantime, I'm thinking about how I will treat the low iron with diet rather than iron pills, as well as other dietary changes I need to make.  Actually, if I could get back to my old way of healthy eating I think I'd be a lot better off.  I've missed my green vegetables and have already begun to eat them - I'll get a good supply on a trip to the market and to Costco within the next few days.

Evidently the Hashimoto's is not as bad as it could be, nor have I probably had it for over a year.  That's my estimate because a year ago I felt like I was on top of the world, and blood tests from 2 years ago show that I was, in fact, in very good condition.  All my other thyroid functions are great.  I really don't understand much about it, but that's what they tell me.

One of the things I need to quit eating is ice cream, so in the interest of getting it "out of sight, and out of mind", I finished the whole container.  I will pay for it before the end of the day!  It really doesn't help my digestion.

Because I've been reading how dark chocolate is so good for you I bought a bag of dark choc. chips as well as a bar of dark chocolate.  I note that I've been craving chocolate more in the last 2 or 3 months.

I hope things turn around for me soon because there are a lot of things I've left undone for a while.  And I want to get back to sketching and painting, if the weather will just warm up a bit more.  I can't do anything when my fingers are cold.

My son, Steve, was born in 1975 on Mar. 1, and Mike was born in 1971 on Mar. 2nd. It doesn't seem that long ago.  Happy birthday to my "boys"!

I had said I wouldn't write any more about health issues, and I apologize.  I just want to explain in advance that when I miss writing a blog or two it's because I'm just not feeling up to it.  I appreciate all the good wishes coming my way.


  1. I agree with you and the painting. My finger arthritis and chilly weather do not blend with painting at all. At least I am collecting picture that give inspiration for art. Have fun when it warms up.

    1. That is a good idea to collect pictures of potential art work. With the way I've been feeling I haven't even though of that, so I will be starting back at square one!

  2. I've never heard of Hashimotos. So sorry about the ice cream. I love it but it always has repercussions fir me too.

    1. Hashimoto's causes antibodies to attack the thyroid.

  3. If you have to give up ice cream you could not have picked a better substitute than chocolate.

    Happy birthday wishes to your sons!

    1. I really will miss my ice cream, especially during the heat of summer.

      Thanks for the birthday wishes for my sons, and I will pass them along.

  4. My thyroid was so far gone that the docs ablated it with drugs. It took a couple of years of tweaking to get the dosage of replacement right, but I am now in my 11th year of post-thyroid destruction. If you are going to need a supplement, rather than a total replacement, then it may be easier to effect. But be aware that it does not happen overnight, or with the rapidity that other medications make a difference in how you may be feeling.
    I don't know why you are giving up ice cream entirely. I find that a small amount - probably less than a quarter cup - is sufficient for me as a "meal ender", rather than a full-on dessert. I top it with a bit of melted dark chocolate and a pile of chopped pecans. The whole of it doesn't amount to more than about a quarter cup of total volume, and is completely satisfactory. If there are circumstances that preclude the nightly ritual, I do not feel cheated, but it is nice to have at the end of a meal.

    Hopefully your dosage will be stabilized quickly.

    Virtual hugs,


    1. If I had good self control I could probably keep ice cream around. Mostly I just have a spoonful or two at a time, or maybe put a couple of tbsp into a protein shake, but then sometimes I can't stop eating it.

      Right now I'm looking to see if I can find a natural/homeopathic doctor who can treat my Hashimoto's plus my worsening heart disease. It isn't easy to find one.
