Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hard at work!

I've done 2 more loads of wash and carried them across the street to the dryer; I still have towels & a set of sheets that I want to wash and hang dry, but today isn't the day.  It's breezy enough but I'm just too tired to deal with it.

As I've mentioned in the past, I am a Scorpio (according to the astrological sign at my birth) with Gemini rising.  I guess I get about half my traits from either one, but I can always tell when Gemini is ruling.  I want to make clear that I consider this all in fun although true in general characteristics, but I certainly wouldn't base my life upon a horoscope.

I bring this up because I'm laughing at myself - I've been making lists all day, which is a Gemini trait (to organize and write everything down.)  Gemini is also what makes me sometimes run this blog on too long for one post!  Sorry about that.  I can't seem to stop blabbing (or blogging) sometimes.

I have a really good list of questions to ask the cardiologist the next time I see her, or whichever doctor falls into my path first!   I can and no doubt will add to this list as questions arise in my mind.

I'm really worn out from all the laundry and changing the sheets on the bed.  I was going to turn the mattress but found out quickly I can't do it by myself anymore.  It never was easy, but now it's impossible.

I don't know if I want to go to the gym this afternoon and still haven't heard from either of my girls.  One of my legs still aches from the last time although I try to really moderate the exercises I'm doing.   But I know that light exercising is critical for me right now (can't count doing laundry as exercise!)


  1. Caring 2 loads of wet laundry across the street is a heck of a work out in my book. But what do I know.

    1. It really isn't easy for me these days, especially the wet stuff. It gets lighter when it dries. I have to be especially careful going down the steps from my house carrying anything.

  2. Doing two loads of laundry is pretty good in my book. I have been carrying around three big bags of laundry in the trunk in case there are only a few cars at the laundromat but no luck thus far.

    It is always a good idea to write down questions for the doctor because with my CRS I tend to forget so many things :-(

  3. Even with a list I forget to ask a question now and then!
