Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, January 13, 2014

Beginning to get better

I just took my time getting up this morning and then napped on and off throughout the rest of the morning.  Joe came by with his two girls and I had some lovely grandma time with them, plus just talking to my boy.  He took and passed the 2nd of his 3 Board exams this morning, so that leaves just one more to go next week.  Then he can start applying for a job.

I asked him if he would like to go over to In n Out Burger, just outside the Park's gates, for lunch for the girls and bring a hamburger back for me.  It was very good but about all I could eat at one sitting.

I'm not ready to drive anywhere since I still get very dizzy and lightheaded when I stand up (sometimes), so I'll try to prolong it for a few days at least.

I've been working on a grocery list and it's fun to be able to just jot down anything I like, such as coffee cake, and not give a darn about additives, sugar, etc.  I'm going to buy at least two Entemann's coffee cakes, which probably won't last me a week.

My own bed felt so comfortable last night and I'm looking forward to climbing back in it a couple of hours from now.

I started reading blogs today but only got through about 4 of them.  Slowly but surely I'll get back to my normal reading list but it may take a while.


  1. Take you time, don't rush things. Pretty soon you will be back to you good old self. Oops, I don't mean "old" as in ancient, I mean "old" as the way you used to be. That still doesn't sound right, does it. OK, hope you get back to your young and energetic you. Now, that sounds better, doesn't it?

  2. Good to hear you are back home now and feeling better. If you ate the entire burger you did really good. Even half would be good. I love Entemanns haven't had one in years. Enjoy it!

  3. You sound upbeat...great to see. Keep up the good work

  4. You sound upbeat...great to see. Keep up the good work

  5. Wait a few more days before you start looking at backpacks for your next through hike. OK.

  6. Sounds like you are moving along in the direction of good health again. Keep up the good work. ;->

    Virtual hugs,


  7. Sounds like things are going well, that's good! I'm glad your kids are still checking on you.

    I love Entemann's coffee cakes - especially the ones with raspberry filling. YUMMMMM, great with coffee in the morning.

    In N Out Burger? I haven't had one in years, but they are soooo good. Yup, you're getting better, for sure. Glad you enjoyed it. :)

  8. I agree with you. Eat whatever you want and as much as you want. Hopefully that will put some weight back on you and give you some energy. Until then rest is a great idea. Wonderful kids and grandkids you have. No wonder you tolerate Sacramento. :-))

  9. Sounds like you are on your way back to your old self.

  10. Good for you Martha you go ahead and eat as much as you like of that Coffee Cake. Maybe you could get some of the Philly cake the make out here it's about 3" high and oh my God you think Sex is good wait to you try one of these. Gotta get them at a bakery's those don't know if your nice is by any. Get well...

  11. Good for you Martha you go ahead and eat as much as you like of that Coffee Cake. Maybe you could get some of the Philly cake the make out here it's about 3" high and oh my God you think Sex is good wait to you try one of these. Gotta get them at a bakery's those don't know if your nice is by any. Get well...
