Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

One chore accomplished

Joe came by this afternoon with his two girls, and helped me cut, cook and puree the pumpkins for Thanksgiving pies.  As always I have way more pumpkin than I will need for two pies, so some of it will maybe make pumpkin bread or similar, and I might be able to talk Joe into making it.

I showed him the recipe book containing directions for the pies, just in case I can't do it.  I'm feeling worse all the time, but still not bad enough to take any action (or pain meds).  And after doing some research on gallbladder surgery I'm not sure I will feel any better after I have it.  I wish there was another way.  


  1. i had mine done about 3 yrs ago on a thurs. and was back to work on monday....a little slow but there:) was well worth it ...i promise!!

  2. I hope you get back to your good old self real soon. Don't take the pain meds unless you really, really have to.

  3. I agree with Cindy. Getting rid of my gallbladder is second only to my hysterectomy in bringing me great joy.


  4. Oh gosh, you will feel much better after your gallbladder is out !!!! No doubt about it ...... Sooner the better ..... I can't imagine waiting around with that pain and discomfort ....
    It can really drag your energy down dealing with it ..... You will be thrilled after you recuperate and get your strength back..... The best thing you are doing is going to the gym and staying in shape before surgery .... Best of luck !!!!

  5. So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well and for Thanksgiving too. Guess you can be thankful it's almost over.

  6. I know so many people who this surgery and never heard one person say they didn't feel better. You'll be fine.
