Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Feelin' fine!

I did go to the gym for the 7:30 pm Gentle Yoga class, and I'm so glad I did.  Last night I got the best sleep I've had in a long time!  So this morning I decided to get out my stretch video and did the 25 minute routine, which is much the same as yoga warm-ups.  I feel terrific, and I'm having to hold myself back from going to the gym to work on some of the machines, or to go for a long walk.  I can feel my muscles - they don't hurt or anything - but they are letting me know I've had enough for a day and need to rest.

I'll be getting up early tomorrow to spend the morning with my granddaughter Arianna.  I was scheduled to get my hair cut in the morning but am now trying to re-book the appointment for another time.  I love it when I keep busy, but I think maybe a quick nap is in order for today.

Later:  Woke up from my nap ready for the afternoon glass of wine.  My muscles are letting me know I worked them over and above what they are used to, and that I should take it easy today.

I'm glad the govt is re-opened and that the employees can ALL go back to work - not just the Park employees.  I missed the parks as much as anyone did, but in truth, there were many more important jobs idled, and I'm happy that the FDA, FAA, the court system, NOAA, and others are working again.

We are having a beautiful week weather-wise, and that puts a sort of glow on the world, and least the world in my little corner.


  1. You sound very up tonight. That's a good thing. :)

  2. Exercise is good. At least that is what everyone tells me. Glad you are feeling fine.

  3. Glad that exercise has made you feel so perky. Does me too. Sure hope we don't have to go through all this drama in another 3 months now that they have only shoved the ball back and not taken care of it period.

  4. yay for you ... I still have my book on top of the teevee and my DVD under it... ready to roll ... ha

    But I do do stretches but not enough

    I vacuumed and toted Charlie about for other motions... ha.. well?

  5. And yes Stephanie got her orders and goes to work in the morning yay!

  6. I noticed you didn't list the IRS as an important Federal agency. LOL Me neither. Way to go with the exercise. Sounds like it did wonders for you.

  7. You are wise to let your body rest for one day. It sure is nice to hear your so upbeat and happy today.

  8. I always punch up the vitamin 'C' when I have exercised or worked in the yard too much and that helps with the achy/sore muscles....

  9. Yes, yes . . . be sure to listen to what your muscles tell you about overexertion. They are getting old and cranky - and "don't take no guff off us ol' folk"!

    Build up gently so you can take those lovely walks in the forests. ;->

    Virtual hugs,

    Judie < -- unearthing backpack
