I am wondering what's going on with our men? After losing a nephew at 31, and the son-in-law of my cousin in his early 30's, both from heart attacks, I discovered the chief of maintenance here at the mobile home park died of a heart attack at age 57. That is entirely too young. Mike, the man who died yesterday was one of the most fit and able-bodied men in this entire place and worked every day. Maybe it has always been this way but it seems to me I'm hearing more and more about younger men dying from things that should be preventable. Is it the accumulation of all the chemicals in our food and the soil they grow in, or something in the air or water, or just a less healthy life style; it seems unusual to me.
I finally made it back to the gym this morning after skipping my walk way too many times in the last two weeks.
I have had such a time lately getting mistakenly signed on Facebook, and then having one heckuva time getting off of it permanently. I made a comment to an email I received by clicking where the email told me I could leave a comment. The site I was directed to told me I would have to sign in, and while I thought it was strange I really wanted to leave my comment. I soon found out I had reinstated my old F.B. account that I quit years ago. I swear it's like the song "Hotel California" - "You can check out any time but you just can't leave!" I think the Eagles recorded that song but I've never been much into that genre of music so I'm not sure.
Speaking of music, I listen to Pandora on my computer once in a while and I regret that I can't turn up the sound on my Macbook Pro - which I've heard limits the volume due to heating up issues. Why don't they just fix those issues that cause the laptop to heat up, and allow a little more volume? I turn on Pandora when the dogs really get at it across the street in the evenings. My favorite is African music with a New-World Latin beat - I enjoy it enough that even though I'm sure the dogs or their owners can hear it, I listen to it and don't care about the outside noise!
I missed my chiropractor appointment yesterday morning and it was rescheduled to 5:30 this afternoon. That's an awful time for me because I'll be driving across the bridge in heavy commute traffic, but I'll make it ok.
I hope you're all having a good week.
Old Age Isn't For Sissies:
1 hour ago
Re your Facebook delima , I find that very situation you mentioned often.
ReplyDeleteYou go on web site and Walla there are several choices to get into it
and one of them is Face Book. Why are they doing that? Wanting more members?
Yes, you have to pause and read..... To me , so unecessary. If I want to
join Face Book I'll decide without being tricked. Guess that
struck me wrong..... Lol
I've been on F.B. twice in the past and it is without a doubt the biggest time waster and huge amount of nothing there is. They say you can get off it forever, but if you just go to F.B. and hit log-in, they have your account all ready and waiting for you like you've never been away. It ought to be illegal! I remember when I was on it the last time I posted a one or two-line msg, and when I opened up my computer next morning I had no comments but 88 "likes".
DeleteSome food for thought. Is there a place on your Mac that you can plug in a set of external speakers? On my PC it is a round RCA plug-in on the back of the desk top. I have two ways to control the volume, one is the speaker Icon on the systems bar and the second is on my external speakers. My external speakers also have a plug-in on the front for headphones. Between the two I have it set up to get the most out of whatever music I'm listening to. I don't have volume controls on my headphones but you can get them with it.
ReplyDeleteI have had this problem since I got my MacbookPro, and have mentioned it in my blog. I've received advice on how to fix it, but I am totally non-technology oriented and can't even understand what I need to do. I don't think I have any place to plug in speakers, but then I don't have speakers to begin with. It's something most MacbookPro users just put up with except for those who really understand how things work.
DeleteDitto for Facebook. I temporarily joined to find out what a few family members and friends were up to, never posted anything and then cancelled. I'm sure they still have me in there somewhere.
ReplyDeleteWe found our neighbor dead on his bathroom floor last month. Not something I wanted to see. He was 56. He was the ex Fire Chief for our little volunteer fire department and had experienced some smoke inhalation. He also used a lot of urethane etc. for large wood projects which he sold. Not good. Our generation has been inundated with toxins from air, land and sea. We are starting to see the pay back.
Oh, you will ALWAYS be in there now. All you have to do is log-on and it will be like you never left.
DeleteI'm sorry to hear about your neighbor, and I think you are exactly right that all the toxins we've been exposed to are coming back to haunt us now.
I agree with everyone else here on this Face Book thing, I have mine secured so no one but who I want on it can see it. But lately it isn't working right and a lot of my friends and family have closed theirs and are using something else. I don't want to sign up for anything else as I have no patience for this nonsense. And now that Verizon has bought out Yahoo that is a real horrible mess too. Are we getting to old?
ReplyDeleteI think we are getting too old, and maybe we're also getting too smart!
DeleteI am one of those tht think Facebook is an evil plot of some kind:)
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of us who feel the same way, but we're outnumbered.
DeleteI love Facebook. It lets me keep in touch with all of my American friends. You just have to know how to set it up so it is private for the general public. John's youngest Brother, my Brother -in - law died of a heart attack in his sleep when he was 50. It is crazy the amount of young people that this is happening to.
ReplyDeleteI realize there are more people who love it than those who don't. I suppose if you have good will power and only check it once or twice a day, it wouldn't be so bad. My experience is that I became obsessive about checking "to see if anything is new, if they've seen my photos, etc." It became ridiculous for me and I found I didn't enjoy it at all. I keep up with people via email, although my family posts pictures on F.B. that I often never see unless I hear about them and ask specifically that they send them to me. It just isn't worth the invasion of my privacy, and no matter how much they tell you that your info is private, then why don't they get rid of it when you close your account permanently.
DeleteHotel California -- you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave . . .
ReplyDeleteHere is a quote of one of the Eagles about the song and what it meant.
“It’s basically a song about the dark underbelly of the American dream and about excess in America, which is something we knew a lot about. We were all middle class kids from the Midwest. Hotel California’ was our interpretation of the high life in L.A.”– Don Henley stated in a 2002 interview.
Thank you for the background on that line from Hotel California. I have never heard that, but I often think of the line itself - seems there are lots of situations it can apply to right now.
DeleteIronically, I usually considered myself part of the middle class by the time I reached my late teens (before that, we were "poor" when I was growing up. It didn't matter because most people were "poor" back then.) Middle class sure means something different these days, in my opinion. Personally I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything we've given our kids, and what they have only magnified for our grandchildren.
I never figured out what middle class is. In retirement we have what we need and it is enough. We were born on the "cusp of change" and it hasn't been for the better in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI attended a family reunion last week and encountered a sullen, bored grandchild there (about 9 or 10) -- he didn't have a tech device to entertain himself. I asked him if he would be less bored outdoors in the play area and he thought it would bore him too.
I was born in 1940, and I think when my parents were able to buy a home they thought they had reached the "middle class". But it's an arbitrary term, even back then. I have always had what I need and I'm happy with that.
ReplyDeleteI think providing children with all the tech devices and keyboards they have is a big mistake, and it is also being encouraged by most schools. I think I mentioned a book I had recently read that the inventors of the most prominent tech devices of our time won't allow them in their homes around their children. That says it all - and it's ironic that they are perfectly content to become millionaires by corrupting other people's children.