Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, June 3, 2017

I Still Don't Remember

I've been trying for the last 24 hrs or so to recall what in the world I had so much to write about yesterday before blogger whisked it away.  I can't think of anything, but I remember I wrote quite a bit about something more interesting than what I usually write these days!

Now I'm waiting for the Muse to visit me again so I can come up with another interesting post.


  1. Oh Gypsy! I understand. BTW, all yours posts are interesting.

    1. Thanks, Janet. It's sometimes a struggle to come up with a topic I haven't already "hashed to death".

  2. I've lost blogs, comments, and FB posts and have no idea what happened to them or what I was trying to say in them. We like to read anything you post.

    1. What in the world does the computer do that so many people lose what they have just written? It's spooky!

  3. I've been in Shenandoah National park without internet for two days so did I miss yesterday's post or did it get whisked before you posted it. Blogger is so absolutely irritating.

    1. I didn't post anything yesterday except maybe to say I wasn't posting.

  4. Hi Gypsy. I accidentally ran across this article today and wondered if they perhaps offered a few clues to our email and blogging woes. I hope I'm not getting paranoid. Luddites can be prone to that.


    1. After reading this my take is that our own government, NSA, CIA, etc., are in the business of hacking. If so, the internet is no longer a useful or safe tool for the average American with no malicious intentions. We all might as well go check out a couple of books at our local library! I've become fed up with the entire technology thing. It grows by leaps and bounds and you'd have to spend an awful lot of time just keeping up with it. It has also resulted in people who can no longer hold a face to face conversation using regular words and not made up crap like "lol". I wonder sometimes if I've outlived my usefulness on this earth!
