Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Friday, June 2, 2017


I just finished writing a post and was adding a couple of words, when POOF!  The whole thing was gone.   I'm finished for today! 


  1. Don't ya hate it when it does that? I haven't figured out how to blog, but I've had my emails disappear -- Poof!!

  2. It is so disheartening to write something, get it to read the way you want it, and then it vanishes into thin air. I don't know if it's me or the computer, but lately I've noticed I'll be typing something and all of the sudden I realize I'm on a different line, usually right in the middle of other words. I'm sure I didn't hit an UP or a DOWN key and it happens too often lately.

  3. This is happening to me too lately. Don't know why ...

    1. I'm getting pretty fed up with everything technological lately.

  4. I'm thinking one problem is my speed (wpm). It doesn't take long for it to get backed up or for me to hit the wrong command. For now, I'm going to blame them. haha

    1. I have always been a topnotch keyboardist, and can't believe I'm making all the errors. For one thing, my computer is so sensitive that when I even hover over a key for a second or two, it decides to do something for me. But I don't know how I can be typing along on a line and then all of the sudden I'm on a different line above, in the middle of that string of words. It makes no sense and I can't see that I'm causing it.

      I'm a Luddite, but I am sure using a computer was easier back before phones got into the act. And now all programs seem to be designed for phones, not for computer screens.

      Some innovative person designed the Jitterbug phone for those who don't want all the crap associated with iPhones, so why can't an innovative person design a computer screen that gives access to email, blogger, etc., but not the crap associated with Google et al.

  5. I've had that happen to me, and know exactly how you feel. Such a bummer! :(

    1. I wish I could figure out if it's something I'm not doing right.
