Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Another nice walk

I went back to Mather Field this morning to walk.  I quit after a mile because I was getting really warm.   After a beautiful week in the mid to high 60's, this week is in the mid to high 70's; that extra 10 degrees makes a big difference.  And since most of the walk is in the sun it feels a lot warmer.

I found the skateboard area vacant, which is really unusual as I have never seen it without at least a few skaters.  I took advantage and got a couple of photos.

The skaters usually wait their turn in front of this wrought iron fence; can you make out the sculpture on the other side of the fence?

I thought I could get a good shot of all the ramps, jumps, bowls, etc., but since it's all concrete there isn't much definition in the photo, but I'll include it anyway. 

I really like this sports complex and it is such a good use of part of the former air force base.

It is so wonderful to feel good enough to venture out every day, to get some exercise, and to hope I will soon be back to normal.  I just wish the damn cough didn't linger on and on.  It's mostly gone but of course comes back when I'm in a check-out line somewhere.

I'm going to a party at Jeannie's house on Saturday, to celebrate her birthday.  I'm eager to get out and be with family and friends, and especially my grandchildren.  It's been ages since I've seen them.

Life is looking up again!


  1. I have enough trouble staying upright, I sure wouldn't want to have wheels on my feet. . . Maybe a few years ago, but not now.

  2. What a really nice park great place for kids and adults to enjoy.

    Yes it warmed up here again too1 Drats

  3. That looks like a great skate park. Even when I was younger I could never balance on one of those boards. Probably a good thing or I would have broken several bones with my luck. Glad you were able to get out again and are feeling better.

  4. Glad you are feeling better. How is Jeannie? I just had a powerful intestinal virus. Sure is a fast way to lose 5#.
