Eastern Utah
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Saturday, September 29, 2018

The old folks & their sayings

My mother must be nearby because I keep thinking of some of the old sayings she used.  I never heard them from anyone else so they must have come from the farm country that she grew up in.

When I get out of the shower Rocky tries to lick my legs.  Whether it's the soap, or the lotion I put on them, or whatever, he drives me crazy while I'm desperately trying to get dressed.  I always think of my mom's old saying that someone was jumping around "like a chicken with a bumblefoot".  I just thought it was a made-up word, but recently I googled it, and I'll be danged if there isn't a condition of a chicken with a bumblefoot.  It's a blister or swelling they get on the bottoms of their feet.  I don't know if it's curable or if they just go into the stew pot or fried up for supper!

I'm going to start googling her sayings from now on if I can remember.  I always thought it was funny that growing up in Cincinnati I never heard some of the things she said from anyone else.  So Mom, if you can hear me now, I'm telling you that you sure were right about the bumblefoot!

I'd be curious to hear some of the sayings you might remember hearing from the old folk.  (Now many of us ARE the old folk, and we need to pass them on!).  I have viewers to my blog some times from other countries, and I'd also be interested to hear your old sayings.  Having lived in the countryside of SW Ireland for 3 years I  loved hearing theirs.

Rocky has been busy this morning trying to get into trouble:  I caught him with my camera, then a short time later with my cellphone!  I took him for another long walk to try to settle him down (tire him out), but I'm the one who is settled down.    I'm sure the exercise is good for me although my legs are turning into sticks from all the walking!  I wish I knew of a safe place to walk him that is more in the coutryside or the hills.   Maybe we should go back to the Appalachian Trail where I left off with Smoky years ago!

The walking is sure increasing my appetite, so lunch is calling me at 11:15am just now.  Have a great weekend!


  1. My grandpa used to say "Jumpin Judas Priest". That is as close to swearing that he ever got.

    1. That is pretty good, but I bet you didn't hear him when he said the other stuff. My grandpa was out by the barn one day with a bunch of other men, (I think one had brought his cow to be serviced by my grandpa's prized bull),and I remember asking my aunt, "What is a bitch". She was quiet for a moment and then said, "Well, I guess it really is." I didn't know any more than what I knew before I asked the question. Grandpa never swore in the house or around women and children, but out in the field when something didn't go his way ---"

  2. In the doldrums of the summer when us kids didn't have anything to do with being wander around the house and say to my mother" what can we do"
    She would say go mildew... LOL

    1. Mothers with a sense of humor are the best! Yours sounds like she was one of the best.

  3. The licking of legs right after a shower seems to be something some dogs are obsessed with doing -- not sure why. A lot of Cavaliers are known to do that. Really annoying and a tad yucky for some people.
    My grandmother always told me to finish my meal then would add "remember all those starving Armenians!" I never understood why she would say that until I was in college and learned about the awful conditions in Armenia in the early 20th-century.

    1. That is so funny - we were always told the Chinese were starving!

      As far as the licking goes, I'm not really too upset about it because I know some dogs do it - I just feel like my nice clean shower has gone away!

    2. One of my Furbuds has done this since very tiny. I do think it is somehow connected to the fact that dogs always shake water off their own body every time after e bath or caught in a rain shower. Your soap is rinsed off, so that isn't an issue but I'd be very leery of letting Rocky ingest lotion. Hmm (smiling), As for my Charley, it has become a bit of help - it has become so hard to bend to dry my feet and legs.

    3. What a laugh I got at your last line. I wonder if I'll ever say "Good Boy" while Rocky is licking my legs!

  4. I was never really around my grandparents growing up. I do not recall ever having a one on one conversation with them as us kids were not allowed to talk unless we were asked a question.

    My uncle and my mother tell me that my grandmother always said "todo lo malo que se hace en la vida, se paga"...which translates to "whatever bad deeds you commit in life, you will pay for them". I will have to take their word for it because I never heard her utter much of anything.

    1. I loved my grandparents dearly, and while I probably had no long conversations with my grandpa, he was kindly to me. He called me "Sis". My grandmother was a wonderful woman, and l loved being around her. When she knew I was homesick, especially after getting a letter from home, she would send me out to gather eggs. She lived and was active until the age of 97 when she was hit by a speeding car driving into the sun in a small town. Grandma was crossing the street to get the mail when the car came roaring over the hill. The judge ruled that she didn't have that many years left so the driver wasn't punished. That's country justice!
