Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, September 10, 2018


I seem to have bugs everywhere!  Many of them are "floaters" in my vision.  I've had floaters before, but since my eye surgery these seem to be different and look more like actual bugs. They fool me just about every time.

I also have ants!  I'm fighting them everywhere and all the time.  I had to throw out puppy kibble because of them, so when I bought a new 20# bag I portioned it out in gallon ziploc bags and was able to get some of them in my regular dog food container.  I don't know if the ants found their way into that container or if Rocky figured out how to get the top loose, but I have four big ziplocs stored in it and the rest on my countertop surrounded by cinnamon.  I never thought I'd be living like this!

My neighbors report the same problems with ants so they are definitely not going away easily.  I have the dog's water bowl on the floor, but always wash the food bowl after he eats from it. 

My stitches come out Friday and it will be a long four days' wait for me.  It's difficult to get comfortable when sleeping, plus I'm always afraid Rocky will bump me when he's moving around on the bed.  I'm not sure why a dog can't just go to sleep and stay in that one spot, but he sure doesn't.

Speaking of Rocky, he certainly is a stunningly beautiful dog.  My neighbors on either side are always raving about how gorgeous he is, and complete strangers slow down when they drive past and call out to me what a beautiful dog he is.  It's too bad most photographs don't show how cute his face and eyes are because of his color.  I almost consider taking him to a photographer for a portrait.  He will be my last dog, so why not?  I should look up one that specializes in pet portraits.  I'll let ya know what I find!

Maybe we will have some autumn weather soon.  I think Wed-Fri are forecasted to be in the upper 70's which will be a relief!  The lows are in the 50's which makes evenings and mornings bearable. 

Take care, especially those of you who might be within reach of Hurricane Florence.


  1. We had horrible mosquitoes this summer in Montana and now it's flies. Everywhere. And of course the dogs don't like it when we are swinging the fly swatter around. Good luck with the ant problem. I think a pet portrait is a great idea. He is beautiful. So black and shiny.

  2. The weather must have something to do with the insect problem. It's everywhere, although different places, different bugs. I haven't been too bothered by flies but the ants are making me "antsy"!

    Finding a photographer that doesn't charge too much will be the problem!

  3. I wonder if you sprinkle some of the cinnamon on the bottom of the dog food container will help as long as you are keeping the food in storage bags.

    You did get one picture of his face and it was adorable. My grandson has a black lab and in the sun she takes on a brownish tinge she is such a love.

    1. The cinnamon on the bottom of the dog food container is an excellent idea. Thanks very much. The ants seem to be everywhere this morning.

  4. cinnamon? it deters ants? This is a new one to me. Terro works wonders too. Can be found most anywhere we shop. Tansy I grow for ant issues, though this year it's not very effective. Also now I'm swarmed with mice that carry off tomatoes that weighed 1/2 pound each! I kid you not. Rat poison isn't working. Round and round I go.
