Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Deja Vu

I received an email from my brother Bill this afternoon, telling me about his fall last night, which required 3 stitches in a blood vein (didn't know they could do that), as well as an unknown number of stitches in his head.  My sister-in-law drove him to the VA hospital in their area, so they wasted no time getting help for him.  He says he isn't feeling too well today.

 I'm not feeling so well either.  My head aches off and on - just when I think I'll take something for the pain it goes away.  I'm just generally feeling like crap.

It is getting warmer today than it has for the past few days and it makes me feel so grumpy.   And Rocky lets me know that  he is back to his normal old self, and that I'd better get back to mine!

I hope your weekend goes better than mine is at present.


  1. I am sure you know, however, aspirin should not be taken at this time. It will thin your blood and this is not good under your current circumstances. Take care and heal quickly.

    1. I don't think I will take anything except for my Rx eyedrops and thyroid med for another week or so. The rest are all vitamins and supplements, plus one baby aspirin a day. The ER doctors didn't tell me to not take it, but I think I'll do without it for a day or so.

  2. Sibling closeness is wonderful but this is taking it too far. I think you'll have headaches for a few days yet. Rocky must know you are mending. His attention span isn't the best at this age.

    1. Yes, I can't believe Bill and I had a fall so close in time to each other. Glad he is mending - I think his was worse than mine.

      The humidity here is high today for this area, and it's making me miserable and cranky. To add to the woes, I have been fighting ants all afternoon. They found Rocky's food container, which I used for Lady and which has always been airtight. I think I dealt with millions of ants and my skin is still crawling. I had to throw away the food pellets that were still in the container. I have a new bag but don't know how I can keep it once it's been opened. and how to store it for day to day use.

    2. Gypsy - The kibble dog food should always be stored in it's original bag, with the top rolled or clipped shut, and then that can go into an air-tight plastic container. A couple of days worth of food can easily be stored in a smaller plastic container, that also seals tightly, on the kitchen counter top. We've been battling the little kitchen ants here too - found they also like the dogs' water bowl --grr -- so I have the little ant traps on the counter in various places. I would ordinarily suggest you spread some Borax around where the ants are travelling, but Rocky will probably get into it just like my dogs do. Won't really hurt the dogs but don't need the extra mess.
      Be careful that the food doesn't get moldy with all the humidity. One of my daughter's show dogs got some moldy food and is having serious neurological issues from the mold...she was told that keeping the food in the original bag if it's not going to be used in a couple of days helps prevent mold growth. I knew that, but of course mom's can't always be telling kids what to do!!!
      I'm so sorry about your head --hope you feel better. We have a hard time with the jars to our aging bodies when we fall for sure, plus bruises and stiches...no fun.
      Promising that your boy knew you needed some cuddles - he's going to be a great dog....easy on the eyes too. Feel better.

    3. I appreciate your suggestions for storing the dog kibble. I sure hated to throw out any of the remaining dog food but I'm sure it was full of ants.
      I will be more careful with the new bag of food and I think it has a sealable closure so I should just keep it in the bag perhaps.

      My head aches now and then but it never lasts for long, so I haven't taken anything for it. Maybe I will take something before going to bed this evening. I have come close to tripping a couple of times since my accident, which isn't very reassuring! All of us over a "certain age" need to be careful.

  3. Hope each day brings some relief for your head injury.

    1. I think it is slowly healing, but it's still difficult to sleep. And I have to worry about Rocky putting his paws near my head when he wants to get up.

  4. So sorry to hear of your fall and so many stitches and now your brother. Wishing you both quick recoveries. I'm sure Rocky will help all he can.

    1. Rocky behaved himself the first day or two after my accident, but he say's "enuf is enuf". He's back at his old tricks!

  5. Here is hoping you feel better soon. It is certainly not a happy coincidence that your brother had the same thing happen:((

    1. I think I got more stitches but he had cuts in two places! The timing is very odd to me.

  6. When I had the stray dogs I would buy the larger bag and would ask the employees at Tractor & Supply to please set it upright in the floor of the passenger's side. I did this because I have a bad back and there was no way I could bring it inside the house by myself. When I got home I would fill individual plastic containers ( I used yogurt containers) I found this to also be the right daily portion size for each dog.

    Hope you and your brother get to feeling better soon.

    1. Yours sounds like a good idea. I could put smaller amounts of food into plastic containers, and then keep the containers inside the big container that failed to keep out the ants. I think I probably didn't make sure it was locked securely, or more likely, Rocky tampered with one of the locks on it trying to get to the food inside!

      Thanks, I feel better already and can't wait to get these stitches out on Friday. I haven't heard how my brother is doing, but I'll check on him today.
