Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Friday, September 28, 2018

Lost in my neighborhood!

I decided to take Rocky for a long walk this morning because it's a bit cooler today.   I ended up turning down a street or around a circle that I had never been on before and got completely lost.  This was probably after 20 or 30 minutes of walking, and I was tired and think Rocky was as well.  We kept going over streets that I hadn't been on before - obviously a newer and more classy area of the park - newer homes, larger yards, 2 car garages, and certainly not much like where I live.  I finally found my way out of the maze and am now glad to just sit down.  I thought Rocky would go right to sleep, but he's busy tearing up a tissue he found in the house.  He's resting his legs mostly though.

Yesterday when I was getting my grocery order together I looked through some of the departments I hadn't checked out and rarely shop in.  There is an aisle where they have home improvement things and little items for the house, and I bought a night light.  No big deal, right?  I have never used a night light because I like the dark, and can grope the walls to find my way from the bedroom to the bathroom.  Now that I have Rocky I make sure to have a clear path between the bedroom, down the hall and over to the back door.  Sometimes it's pitch dark and I have always carried the dog outside, as well as back to bed.  He is getting too heavy now so he walks, but he sees his way in the dark much better than I.  I placed the light in the kitchen and was amazed at the soft glow that was visible as soon as I came out of my room.  I love it, and feel much safer now than stumbling around in total darkness.   We live and learn.

Note that I get abundant light in my bedroom from the moon and stars  on clear nights, but the rest of the house is in total dark due to the proximity of houses on both sides.  My bedroom is not blocked by other buildings, because of the angle of the houses.  It's weird, for sure.


  1. Dogs can do a lot of things, except read and write. Most are quite intelligent but some, not so much. Your pup is smart and at the age to learn, so teach him the right things.

    1. He is certainly smart, but he is also an independent thinker! Not an easy combination to deal with sometimes!

  2. I get light from my bedside clock and my modem surprising how much light those things give off. But the rest of the house is pitch dark.

    That was some walk you and Rocky had today.

    1. I have a digital clock in my bedroom but most any light I get there is from the window - moon, stars, etc. I never minded the pitch dark but after my recent fall I'm sort of nervous about falling again.

      My legs are still tired from that walk! Rocky is rarin' to go again!

  3. Haven't been on the computer much as we are still out of sorts from the Spring wildfire. Had no idea it would affect your physic and emotional senses like it has. So glad you got a dog and if you talk to him a lot he will increase his vocabulary each day. We also use hand signals for ours and as they get older with diminished hearing and sight it comes in very handy for communication. Glad you have a companion now.. nothing like it....

  4. Night lights are a great idea and use very little electricity. I use a solar light on the lowest setting in mother's room as I am so afraid she is going to fall again. I have a regular nite light from the Dollar Tree in the bathroom and between the two of them it gives plenty of light for her to see her surroundings when she gets up at night.

    My bedroom has so much light from the modem, cable box, alarm clock and phones.
