I was fortunate to be able to connect with old friends Sandie & Jim Dixon in Helena. They came and picked me up at the motel and drove me around to show me the sights of Helena, which is a beautiful little city - the kind that seems to be so liveable. I had always heard that the state capital is one of the prettiest in the country, and I believe it.
We drove up to the street called "Last Chance Gulch" from back when gold was found there in the mid 1800's, in sort of a last chance attempt. The street is closed to vehicular traffic and is lined with shops, restaurants and bars. We ate at the Windbag Saloon, and all agreed the food was excellent. On the way back to the truck we stopped for ice cream, the end of a perfect evening with a couple of fine folks I visit with almost daily via the blogging world.
From the time I arrived at the motel in Helena I noticed a definite problem with Lady and hesitated to even leave her for a couple of hours. I had in mind to drive up to Glacier NP, which I have wanted to see for so long. In the morning I decided to go for it, but even though it wasn't a long drive I tried to stop often for Lady, who refused to get out of the car. By the time I was a few miles from my destination of Kalispell I knew I should take her to a vet. The GPS wasn't showing veterinarians at all, but don't you know when I turned on a road nearing the town a sign on the right pointed to a veterinary clinic. I decided to take her immediately, but had to return later in the afternoon when the doctor could see her. They did blood work to make sure her kidney and liver function was normal, and gave her a double dose of a painkiller. I called today to find out the results of the blood test, and since it was normal they called in a prescription to a local Walgreens for the medicine in tablet form.
Only a few minutes after they administered the medicine at the vet's office I could see an improvement in the way she stood up, walked, and even climbed into the car. Her condition continued to improve overnight and well into today, when I picked up her tablets. I stopped at a local grocery and bought a package of sliced turkey, and wrapped a slice around a tablet. She gobbled it up, so I'm hoping things will go much better for her the remainder of the trip.
I think I mentioned in my update that I was looking forward to meeting Carolyn who had been in Kalispell for nearly 3 weeks. I emailed her my problem with having to take the dog back to the vet in the afternoon, which meant I couldn't drive into the Park yesterday. Carolyn met me at the vet and helped me with the dog, then after Lady was comfortable, I left her in the motel room and Carolyn and I drove around in her van and saw some of Kalispell, which is such a wonderful little town.
This morning we finally got on the road to Glacier NP. The Road to the Sun is open for about 30 miles at the east and west ends of the Park, but the middle is still under snow from an avalanche. It is expected to be open all the way through by the middle of next week: Carolyn will probably stay for that but of course I want to get the dog home soon.
I loved what I saw of Glacier. Carolyn is worried that I am disappointed in how little I was able to see, but I think everything has worked out perfectly - finding the vet on my way into town and getting that problem taken care of was a godsend to me. What if I had been on the road to someplace else and had to drive for miles, or go out of my way to find help for Lady. To me, the trip here has evolved as if it had all been part of a perfect plan. I'm satisfied with that, for sure.
These are some scenes taken on the way from Helena to Kalispell:
Knowing how Lady likes to drink from moving water, I found a small embankment where we scrambled down so she could enjoy the creek water, and carefully made our way back up. She was surprisingly agile today.
I took pictures with three cameras - my digital, a color film camera, and a black & white film camera - and will have lots more photos when I get the film developed after I get back to CA.
I'm leaving in the morning and still up in the air as to which route I'll take - down through Idaho, across Nevada, and into CA along US 50 around Lake Tahoe, or across Idaho nearly at the border with Canada and then down through Washington, Oregon, and into CA. I need to make up my mind soon, but it could be when I get into the car and program an address into the GPS.
So, so happy that everything worked out so well and you found a great vet AND got to go to Glacier. The pic' of you in front of the falls is so pretty. Such a beautiful smile and you really look like you are enjoying yourself. YAY!
ReplyDeleteAnd good for Lady for making her way to get a yummy drink. Do you ever wonder why our dogs have these weird quirks? Like drinking from moving water or in Spot's case is afraid of silverware [we have NO idea] :)
Be safe and enjoy! Can't wait to see the wonderful pics when you get them developed.
What a great post. Lady is feeling better and pictures of you and Carolyn in Glacier. This trip is turning out perfectly just as you said.
ReplyDeleteI think the pain medication may be all Lady needs if she is just an elderly arthritic gal. Make sure you check side effects though since she may have to be on this medication permanently. She's going to love taking it if she gets it wrapped in turkey. But she deserves it!
I am so glad to hear that Lady got some help and that you got to see some of Glacier Park.
ReplyDeleteWhat a relief to read that Lady seems to be on the road to feeling like her old self!!
ReplyDeleteI'm delighted for you that you got to drive along at least a portion of the Road to the Sun. The drive is amazing and the scenery is just breathtaking along most of it.
Safe travels for the remainder of your trip. Looking forward to seeing your photos.
So happy to hear that the pain medication is working for Lady. That will definitely relieve some of the stress for you. And being able to get down to the water and up again - yahoo!!! You're going to have to find her a water place when you get home. Glad you and Carolyn got to go to Glacier today. It is so beautiful up that way. Thanks again for dinner and the company. Looking forward to the next time.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I first scanned through all your blog, ignoring it till I got to news of Lady!!! WHeeeeheeeeee both Ducky and Duke wanted to know why I was cheering out loud! They go "ARF ARFF WOOOF BARK YIP YIP YIP" to Lady, so please pass that on?
ReplyDeleteYour pics are wonderful now that I scrolled back on them. I think what you saw so far is fastastic.... and you sure look happy (and relieved)
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
So glad that Lady's pain has been relieved. She probably did over do it when she swam if she wasn't used to that much exercise.
ReplyDeleteI know I mentioned the Dasuquin before, but I started it as I weaned Jack off the pain pills (which also helped him, immediately). I hope Lady does as well as he has done.
Your pictures of Glacier are beautiful. I think if it were me, I'd go down through Idaho and across 50--my only regret would be missing the Oregon coast, but it may be getting crowded about now.
I think it's at Newport that a very large part of a dock from the tsunami in Japan showed up on the beach. They said instead of a hundred cars at the beach there were eleven hundred.
I saw on the news that the solid mass of flotsam was as large as the state of Texas. I haven't heard anything since, but that's pretty scary when you think about it hitting our shores.
One year when Rich and I were up at Glacier, I talked him into going to Polebridge. What an experience that was--we saw more wildlife on the dirt road than anywhere else. The road runs parallel to the Going to the Sun Road, and is about 10 miles from the Canadian border. We could smell the baked goods the morning we went up--and I have heard that the restaurant serves the best steaks ever--all on a generator. There's no electricity up there. Very interesting place.
Gypsy, you are in a wonderful state for sure, including your wonderful state of mind! We lived 9 years in Butte, MT, loved every minute of it except the day we had to drive away. We are so glad you have found some relief for Lady, and that she is feeling better!