Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Friday, February 16, 2018

Three Down, One to Go!

I'm past the half way point in my treatments, which means I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I wonder how soon I might expect to know the results of all this, as well as when I can have a celebratory beer!

The treatments are getting shorter, and I don't know if maybe they are setting the flow rate higher or why, but I'm fine with it.  About 20  min. before starting they give me two pills to take that make me sleepy, or at least a little light-headed.  I can honestly say I haven't had any trouble to speak of, and I'm so lucky in that regard.

As soon as this is over with I will go out and try to do some things to write about or find something that isn't health-related.  I hate it that health is taking priority in my existence now and will be glad to not think so much about it any more.  I think I will continue to avoid crowds and going out until the flu epidemic has ended or at least wound down. 

I wish every one a good weekend!  


  1. When they know you tolerate the meds they skip the bag of Benedryl and pump a little faster. Good luck sleeping tonight.

  2. They started me off with two tablets which relaxed me. I think they did come and up the speed several times. Whatever they do seems to be perfect for me, but I made up my mind in the beginning it was going to work and I wasn't going to gripe about anything. So far, so good.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Barney. I'm very satisfied with the treatment so far.

  4. Only one to go. That is so fantastic and especially since they seem to be going so well. We'll all celebrate when you can have your beer.

    1. It's funny the things you miss when you can't have them. I didn't sleep much last night which is nothing to worry about after these treatments, but I wonder what today will be like. I'm just grateful I've never had any pain.

  5. Gary takes his dexamethasone on Sunday morning, but doesn't really sleep again until Monday night. Sunday's and Monday's naps happen, but not much sleep on Sunday night. The steroid usually lets go by Tuesday afternoon, and he returns to a normal sleep pattern.

    This coming week is his week "off", so a whole week with a regular sleep pattern - YAY!!!

    Virtual hugs,


    1. Since I'm having a total of only 4 treatments, I haven't quite figured anything out yet. Last week I slept more than usual, but last night I was awake most of the night. It all takes care of itself and I can deal with it - only one more treatment. This has been a real experience for me, and gives me a new empathy for those who have to take any kind of treatments!

  6. Next Friday, I will drink a celebratory beer in your honor. Have a great weekend!

    1. And listen for our glasses to clink when we raise them together!
