Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, February 19, 2018

Back to feeling good

After being so wide awake after my treatment last Friday, I could do nothing but sleep the following day & night.  This morning I feel great!

My d-i-l, Meg, is bringing Quinn over tomorrow morning for a visit.  I just love it when they come for the morning, and we talk non-stop.  What a nice break it will be in my week!

Now I need to make an attempt to clean the kitchen and bathroom - maybe not up to my  "old" standards, but anything will be an improvement.

Our daytime temperatures have dropped about 10 degrees for the next week or two.  I am surprised because this is about the time we would start warming up.   I enjoy the cooler weather, and just dress more warmly.   I worry about what summer will bring - probably unbearably hot weather.   Can't do anything about it though, except talk!

Have a great day, and i'm going to do the same.


  1. Glad you are feeling great. That makes it easier to function during the day.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. John Thomas certainly seems to be making the rounds. Glad you are feeling so much better. The end is in sight.

    1. I have received many more of his stupid comments on several blogs. What makes people do things like that> Anyway, yes, I am feeling much better.

  4. Great that you are feeling so good. I'd sure like a drop in the temperatures here. I've never seen Florida so hot in February.

    1. I'm glad for this weather as long as it lasts, and would much rather dress warmly than to swelter.
