Yesterday I took care of things that had me driving here and there, and today I'm trying to get things accomplished here at my site. In between running back and forth to the laundry, I think I "fixed" the shower head. Last night I had only a tiny trickle of water - barely enough to get wet and rinse off, but not enough to wash my hair. This morning I tried to reach a mobile RV repair service but the number had been disconnected, so I removed the shower head from the hose and cleaned a little bit of grit that had accumulated, although it didn't seem like much. When I reattached the shower head it seemed to work considerably better. If I was planning to keep this rig I would get a new one - the best there is for an RV. But since I've had it with 5th wheels and fulltiming, I just want to limp into Sacramento and be done with it.
I have experienced water problems for at least the last two months and concluded it is the water connection from the site - not my rig. I'm sure my water lines aren't the greatest, but when I tried running water just using the pump it flowed better through all the water faucets and taps. So I will just try to get by for the next week, and can always switch on the pump if it gets too bad. Oh what a horrible noise it makes!
I keep trying to rearrange and pack things away but I always come across a map and sit down to study it. I often check out various routes online, but then I have to get the appropriate map and study it, as well as the US map for the overall picture. I know a lot of folks like to use computer maps but they just don't do it for me. Good thing we can all do it the way we like.
No triptik today,but the lady at AAA did tell me I should get it by the end of this week. I've really been eager to get it, but it will get here in time. I'm starting to get cold feet, especially about the off-interstate sections of the trip, mainly because of fueling up at regular stations. I had no problems in Nebraska or Kansas but don't have a clue what to expect in Al, MS, LA & TX. This is one time I'm not looking forward to the cross country drive, for some reason.
Old Age Isn't For Sissies:
1 hour ago
Why have you "had it" with 5th wheels and full timing?? I'm just beginning to consider it and I'd like to hear all sides.
ReplyDeleteI understand your frustrations Gypsy. I think your idea of a home base in Sacramento plus a smaller rig for getaways to wherever is a great alternative for you. A bit of both worlds & not overwhelmed by either one. You would always have the option of bouncing or escaping from one planet to the other. I think a home base is a very practical solution as long as you keep your part time snowbird option open.
ReplyDeleteI used to really enjoy our winters in Arizona but when Spring came I was glad to get back home again. Your idea of a home base and a smaller easier to drive RV for time away from home sounds perfect. I wish for a great trip to the West for you.
ReplyDeleteGypsy, are you planning to ditch the 5er as soon as you get back to Sacramento? Have you given up your plan to workamp in Utah later this year? I think you will be a happy camper with a real home base and then a smaller rig. Makes a lot of sense. Can't wait to read all about it.
ReplyDeleteSorry that fulltiming wasn't your cup of tea. Different strokes for different folks, they say. Hope you find the perfect sized RV for you.
ReplyDeleteI hope you find your "Happy Place" whatever lifestyle you choose. Good luck and safe journey.
ReplyDeleteI am a single that wants to become full-time in RV. I have been with you for some time.
ReplyDeleteI have decided on a small class A. In part, because of what you have written in your blog. Thank You Gypsy! You are one of my teachers. I wish you peace and joy.