Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Saturday shopping; - UPDATE!

I just wrote a very long post about my day yesterday, but Google had a problem and I lost the entire thing.  I'm not going to try to rewrite the entire thing, but there are two points I will mention.

We went to two shopping centers and several individual stores, and the parking lots and stores were packed!  It made me feel good seeing so many folks out spending their money locally.

Secondly I just looked at the tracking on my grinder and discovered why I still don't have it, and can't expect it before the July 25-Aug15 time frame.  The grinder is on a boat from China!  I knew when I ordered it I should have taken more time to look locally, and it's a lesson learned.

Sorry about the post.  I knew Google was going to give me a problem because I couldn't type in a title to the post.  There seems to be no way to retrieve what I wrote, and it is very upsetting.  I hope your day started out better than mine, but maybe this will be the biggest problem I experience all day.  Sure hope so. 

I  have been having a lot of trouble with my computer.  It may be caused by a game I had loaded and often play in my spare time.  Last night none of the computer keys responded, and I couldn't even close out and shut down, so I ended up just turning it off.  This morning everything is working fine and I deleted the game, so I'll see how it goes.  Just wanted to let you know that if you don't hear from me for several days it's my computer and nothing wrong with me.  I'm terrified about the computer - I hear Apple is not servicing their older models because they want you to buy the new ones - that could be true or not, but it worries me.  I simply can't afford a new computer right now but the computer is what mainly keeps me connected to the outside world.  What a dilemma!


  1. I feel your pain. I order a lot of stuff online and try not to order if it shows it ships from China. Sometimes you really can't tell.

    1. It gives the old song "Slow Boat To China" a new meaning! In this case it's the slow boat from China. I should have known better than to order an item that was so cheap in price. It would have been cheap even if made in the USA, but made in China and then being shipped that entire way is such a joke. If it ever arrives I will post photos and give a rundown on what I think of it.

  2. Do you use straight blogger? They lost one of my posts and I never got it back either. It's pretty irritating. At least you don't have tons of pictures you spent ages getting just right only to have them disappear. LOL at the fact that there really is a "slow boat from china". Did you order that from Amazon and they had their "affiliate" send it to you? I try not to use Amazon but for sure I don't ever order anything that amazon itself does not supply because they don't have any quality control on their "affiliates".

    1. I ordered the grinder from eBay, who had it sent from their affiliate!

      I've had this problem with blogger before and I don't know why I didn't think to try to save the post. It didn't just disappear - I couldn't get it to Post, and I should have done a copy/paste of the contents into a blank document or email. I've done that before and was really glad that it works, but you have to pay attention to the feeling you get that Blogger is going to screw everything up!

  3. I always write the blog text in word first and then just paste into blogger. That way I cannot lose it.

    1. I think a lot of folks write their blogs in something else before pasting it in blogger, especially when they use lots of photos. I just want to get my blog written and posted, and should have realized I was going to have problems this last time. I could have cut and pasted it then.

  4. I lost all Internet connection yesterday late afternoon after a really big storm where it pounded down rain for almost an hour. It only came back on around 11am so I finished the post I was working on before it all went away. I was hoping I hadn't lost all of it so I did a new post and hit publish to see if the other post saved. I deleted the empty post and yes the post from last night saved. So I just hit edit and finished the post. Maybe that's where your's is

    1. I checked to make sure it had saved, but my computer wasn't working right and pressing any buttons made no difference. I should have cut and pasted, but didn't. I hope your weather calms down.
