Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Traveling Music

I don't care for constant music while I'm on a long trip, but I do sometimes feel the need for some energetic music.  The remaining 3 CD's I ordered came today, and I'm loading them on my computer, one at a time and then listening to the entire CD.

I made just vegetable beef soup this afternoon dancing around the kitchen to a Cuban beat!  I have always loved Cuban music and wouldn't be surprised if I lived a former life in Cuba.  My dad also loved it, and back in the mid to late 40's he played records on an ancient record player - well it would seem ancient to younger folks today but it seems like wonderful technology to me!  I have said that I never want to leave the U.S. again, but if I ever have the opportunity to visit Cuba I will certainly do it!   (Gotta practice up on my ChaChaCha!)

After the Cuba CD I loaded and played "Rumba, Mambo, ChaChaCha".  Dang, I know the beat but couldn't remember the steps to the ChaCha.  Gotta keep trying to see if it comes back to me.  I guess my favorite is the Rumba beat tho', and I know the steps to that one - just follow the guy you're dancing with and hope he knows what he's doing!

One more to go, and that is "Music of the Andes".   I love that music also and it seems like it is original (South) American music - without Spanish-African roots.   Well, maybe a few Spanish roots.

These CD's will keep me awake and alert in the middle of the prairie, although I might zone out picturing the gorgeous Senor who is singing to me!

I think the soup looks, smells, and tastes delicious, but I'm sure I'll get tired of it before it's gone.   Try as I might, I can't make a small amount of soup.

I'm anxious to get this darn jigsaw puzzle finished and then put it away.   I have most everything together except for the sky, and that will be fun - all that blue.

I think I'll go eat a bowl of my soup.  It's only a little after 4 pm, but I'm going to the gym this evening and I don't like to work out on a full stomach.


  1. I can't make a small amount of soup either! My choices for long drives include John Denver and Peter, Paul, and Mary, so I can sing along. ;) ♫ "Five Hundred Miles..."♪ ♫ etc.

  2. Freeze the soup after a few days and come back next week or in a month and have it again. I'll bet your dad would smile to see how he influenced your musical tastes. Love the cha cha myself.

  3. I to love lively tunes when driving. I'm happy that the truck came with a 6 cd player so it last quite some time and if I am tired of listening I can just pause it for some peace and quiet.
