Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

2nd post on Sept. 8

One of the comments I've received asked about the stray dog with the red collar. Unfortunately, she hasn't been seen for about 3 weeks, which can only be bad news for her. There are many folks who bring their dogs to the campground and let them run loose. I remind them dogs must be leashed while in the National Park, but as soon as my back is turned I know they let them run free again. There were a couple of instances where campers saw dogs chasing the stray, so maybe she decided to hang out elsewhere. Without food though, I am sure she won't make it, and I can't do anything about it. She was gaining weight while I feed her and I really feel bad that I didn't have more time to try to get her to stay close enough to catch her. I doubt she could still be alive.

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