For a while it seemed I had two medical appointments a day and I got pretty burned out about it. The main reason I'm so unhappy is that I don't need a cardiologist or a vascular specialist to tell me my arteries are shot, or to keep harping on the fact that it is due to my being a former heavy smoker, or that I need to take drugs that I don't trust. What I do need is to get the thing taken care of that has been causing pain over the past years, and that is gallstones. I still haven't heard from the specialist who would do the endoscopy, that I need to have done before the surgeon removes my gallbladder. Yes, Anonymous commenter, I'm damn cranky!
Surprisingly I haven't been feeling any pain lately but I sure can't stay awake for long. I think it's because I don't have any reason to do much of anything. I want to go camping for a couple of days (as I may have written before) but I felt I could go most anywhere when I had my dog with me. Now I suddenly have to exercise a bit more caution and I've had a dog for so many years this is a new concept for me.
I've looked online to see if there are any available pets that are suitable for my situation, but of course I'm in no position to offer a good life for a dog right now. The time will come though and I'll know when it's right.
So I will tell you that I'm feeling ok considering my situation, and will post again when I have the next procedures lined up. In the meantime there isn't much else I can say.
Old Age Isn't For Sissies:
7 minutes ago
The waiting around for the doctors is by far the hardest part. And there's not a thing you can do about it. So you can be cranky and we'll be waiting to hear when you hear something.
ReplyDeleteah I was turning off the computer and I saw your post at the top of m'blog list!
ReplyDeleteI hate waiting around too... worst part ~ not knowing and waiting . bummer.
yep, not a thing you can do about it ... ditto what Sandie said...
always thinking of you ~
Call the endo dude. Believe it or not, you may have
ReplyDeletefallen through the cracks. It does happen!
Glad to hear you're still with us. Waiting is a pain for sure. I'm waiting too.
ReplyDeleteHang in there.
ReplyDeleteOh the waiting is the hardest part for sure. I am glad you are keeping us up to date on what is going on. I hope you feel better once the surgery is over with. Best wishes
ReplyDeletePlease keep us updated. We worry when we hear nothing. We are all wishing you a quick recovery and many a nice camping trip in your future.
ReplyDeleteI'd be cranky waiting around too but I do believe in the squeeky wheel theory and I would call them up and ask why you haven't been contacted. Having worked in a hospital and with medical doctors and their staffs, I know that unfortunately the nice people get set aside while they deal with the pushy in many cases.
ReplyDeleteI would be cranky too. I would rather read about why you are cranky than not hear from you at all and wonder if you are ok. I hope it all comes together for you soon.
ReplyDeleteAgree very much with what BJ said. Better to hear that you are cranky than to be worrying about what's going on with you. All of these comments reflect care for you! Also agree that the squeaky wheel gets the attention. You are probably right; you'll be so much better off after gall bladder surgery. Hang on, dear Gypsy!
ReplyDeleteKelly just asked me a couple days ago if I knew how you were doing. I haven't been keeping up with my blog reading since getting home this Spring but did notice you hadn't posted for a bit. Always glad to see you appear on my side bar. You & I go back a fair few years now here in Blogville. And, I sure do understand cranky. I have been called Mr. Cranky Pants more than what I would care to admit to.........