I'm talking about the weed police, of course. Actually they didn't write me up for weeds this time. I didn't get dinged for much, but the few items on the list are those I just don't have the energy for. I spoke to Mrs. Bad Cop this morning and explained my predicament, and she was very understanding and I'll have to revise my estimate of her.
She asked me how much longer I needed past the June 3 date set for re-inspection, and I told her a month. She said that would be fine, and if I need further extensions just let her know. That is a relief because with Donald's bad knee and upcoming surgery, and Steve buying a new house with all that entails, and Joe in the finals of his respiratory therapy program, I just can't count on assistance.
The guy next door has offered to help me with anything I need to do, but I hate to ask him for help. After I had mentioned to his some of the health issues I'm facing, he came to my door with a paper on which he wrote his phone number in case I need help or anything at all. That is a real neighbor and I sure am glad I live next to him.
I returned the heart monitor to UCD Med Center this morning - cost me $1 for half an hour parking when the trip inside only took me 5 minutes. The gas and parking for my medical care sure adds up.
I was finally able to pick up the Lipitor Rx this morning. It's a 10mg tablet, but I'm going to cut it in half and take one of those every day for the first few days. If I start to get any negative effects from it I'll quit before it gets too bad. Since the internet articles on Lipitor all say it depletes your CoQ10 levels (or whatever the heck it is), I'm wondering if I should get some of that. I hate to take anything more than I need, but I sure prefer supplements and vitamins to prescription drugs. I have always had more negative experience with Rx drugs than positive ones although I realize some of them are necessary.
My new air mattress arrived today but I haven't had the energy to pull it out of the box yet. I sometimes wonder why everything comes in boxes so sealed up and difficult to open, or else those horrible plastic cases you can hardly even cut with scissors or knife.
I just realized I only have about a week of DirecTV left as it is cancelled on June 5. I'm not watching as much as I did before I went camping back in the middle of May. I will miss Science, NatGeo, and Public TV, but that's about it.
After a lovely week of temps in the 70's we are going to have several days in the 80's and then jump to triple digits by the weekend. This is the worst thing about being in Sacramento or anywhere in the Central Valley of CA. We do get a break here though, as evenings are cool, and the cool usually lasts up until at least Noon. If there is a perfect spot on earth, I think it would be somewhere in Hawaii! Aloha for now.
Old Age Isn't For Sissies:
1 minute ago
I agree that it best to be careful with prescribed drugs. I much more prefere vitamins and alternative medicine.
ReplyDeleteI have a caution for you about only taking half of your med.
ReplyDeleteI was doing the same thing with three OTC pills I was taking. When I talked to my doctor, she said why are you only taking one a day when the dose is two a day? I told her I don't like to take pills, and would rather get by with less.
She said if I am going to commit to taking a medicine, OTC or Rx, I should take the prescribed dose. Otherwise, I won't know if it is actually helping or not. If a pill is causing side effects, then consider reducing the dose and check with the doctor if it is an Rx.
If this is an Rx, please talk to your doctor before you take only half the prescribed dose. It should be prescribed for your condition, age, and weight, I'd assume, and taking only half may be as bad as not taking any at all.
Also, ask the doc about your concern with being depleted on other minerals, etc.
I completely hear you, though, because I feel the same way, and was doing the same thing. :)
I'm think'n the old Billy Bob would be tell'n them cops where to put it. There is no way, an' I mean no way somebody gonna tell this old fart how to live. I can imagine what they would say when they see me sit'n on the front porch in my underdrawers sip'n up a cup an' listen'n to cajun music. Even what they do'n to you just pisses me off.
ReplyDeleteSpeak'n of Lipitor. That's for cholesterol right? Well my doctor put me on that stuff one time. It weren't good for me at all. A diet change lowered cholesterol levels.
How nice Mrs. Bad Cap was... you never know. and good stuff with your neighbor. that's comforting.
ReplyDeleteI think you need to let your neighbor help out a little bit. I'm sure it's like in an RV park - the guys want things to do. Jim's heart doctor just started him on that coQ10 or whatever it is.
ReplyDeleteI "just" watched Dr. Oz this afternoon and he said you should take EXACTLY what your doctor prescribes. Just sayin'...
ReplyDeleteIf you are taking statins of any kind please get some CoQ10!
ReplyDeleteIt's really none of my business, BUT why bother going to a doctor if you are not going to take what he proscribes as he, or she, directs? Isnt that a waste of your time and money?
ReplyDeleteI guess I have to agree with Merikay. The docs will let you know if you can cut your dose.
ReplyDeletePerhaps it would help if you read this book. The Great Cholesterol Myth, by Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., and Stephen Sinatra, M.D.
On the other hand if you think it will confuse you forget I wrote this.
If you are taking any kind of statin it is essential you take COQ10. All statin drugs seem to cause a natural depletion of this essential enzyme.
You are wise to be cautious. There are a lot of drugs that are prescribed based on general wisdom. And, as you know, the drug companies, with their huge financial investments, have a great interest in educating doctors.... But sometimes their interest does not line up well with the science that's available.
Because you have a stent you need to be cautious about doing anything different to what your specialist recommends. At the same time I am aware of people who have made some radical diet changes with great success. If you can get hold of a copy of Wheat Belly by cardiologist Dr. William Davis it should answer a few questions for you too.
The thing is you are not overweight but much of the dietary advice in these two books should help you maintain a healthy weight and cardio-vascular system, regardless of whether you take a statin drug or not.
It's not easy being at the mercy of your doctor when you want to question his treatment. Just remember doctors are people like us who are knowledgable in a certain field but they are neither perfect human beings nor are they infallible.
It is as important to believe in yourself as it is to listen to the experts.
Now that I've had my say I hope you are not confused and will continue to take care of yourself in the best way you know how to.
Howdy Gypsy,
I'm a rancher and DID WORK hard at it, when I was able. but I didn't have to practice; I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOIN' !!!
butterbean carpenter