Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, May 2, 2016

What shall I do this week?

I really need to take my computer to Best Buy to see if they can check it out and clean it up.  I'd also like to go to Barnes & Noble, but both are a little distance away and on Rte 9, which is usually pretty heavily traveled.  I'm going to do the treadmill in a few minutes and will see how I feel then.

About my bathroom remodel, when Steve pulled off the old formica and came to the bare wall, he found that someone had drawn a very obnoxious symbol on the wall.  When I heard about it and asked him to paint over it before covering it with the backerboard and tile, he said he had already taken his Sharpie pen and turned it into a flower.  I guess you can never tell what is there that you can't see.

The rain and fog made me decide to stay home today, but as soon as I came upstairs from my walk on the treadmill I got a call from Sandy asking me to pick Josh up from school as he wasn't feeling well.  I made it with no problems and am home now - and here I will stay for the day. 

When I went into the school office to get him I needed a photo ID, and naturally went to pull out my drivers license.  It wasn't in the place I normally keep it and I frantically searched for something with a picture, but the only thing I could come up with was my Costco membership card, which has my photo on the back.  That card sufficed.  When we were finally home I realized I had my passport with me, and on searching the bottom of my purse I found my D/L.  I had shown it to get through the airport security lines in Sacramento and hastily threw it into my purse to go through the rest of the line.  At least I didn't have to search for long to find it!



  1. Rain and fog would keep me at home too. Hope your grandson feels better soon. I hate went I don't put my d/l back where it belongs I panic as I have lost it before and go through hell to replace it then find it again.

    1. My grandson felt pretty lousy when we got home and for the rest of the morning; he was better in the afternoon.

  2. I bet your DIL was glad to have you there to pick up your grandson. Sorry to hear he isn't feeling well. Glad you found your license. I never keep my passport in my purse unless I am going to use it that day. Talk about a pain to replace.

    1. I only carry the passport when I am going to travel, even if I don't plan to go out of the country. You never know, and it's a form of ID as well.

  3. I bet your DIL was glad to have you there to pick up your grandson. Sorry to hear he isn't feeling well. Glad you found your license. I never keep my passport in my purse unless I am going to use it that day. Talk about a pain to replace.

  4. School security has sure changed over the years. Our daughter has to let the school know in advance if we are going to pick up the kids. They know us now, but I suspect that if we just appeared, we might have a hard time getting the school to let us have the kids:)

    1. It's the same here. I was never authorized to pick them up at the day care, but with my photo ID was able to get my grandson out of 4th grade. I am glad the schools are so careful about it now.
