Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Getting around to housework!

I absolutely dislike it, and don't really feel morally superior when I've finished and have a relatively clean house.  A lot of work for nothing, is what I've always thought of it, as it has to be done over and over.  

I've been trying to clean the laminate floors and the Folex cleaning product I bought works pretty well.  I've done the living room and hallway, and am now on my bedroom.  What a pain!  I can only do a portion at a time because I have to move things and then wait for the floor to dry so I can move them back, and start on the next section.  If I finish them today I will wash curtains and windows tomorrow.  Another totally useless effort as I've mentioned that the wind blows directly down my driveway, bringing dirt and dust to that side of the house.

On another note, I haven't had the severe indigestion last night and this morning, although I thought I was going to die of stomach and abdominal pain yesterday.  I had a product for pain that is natural, and which was found at Whole Foods.  The label said to take 1-3 tablets, so I thought I should start with just one.  I also wrote on a sticky note the time, day, and dose that I took, in case it didn't agree with me and someone eventually found me on the floor.  I lay down on the couch for about 15 minutes and felt fine enough to get up and run some errands.  My problems could have been due to the lemons.  The first month of drinking the lemon water was great and I felt terrific.  So maybe I will try it again now and then, but not on a regular basis.  I'd like to be able to drink it once a week or so, for the health benefits.

I haven't yet re-stocked my freezer since returning from NY, and I'm down to very little.  I'm trying to eat my main meal at Noon, although I don't always want it then - I have a hefty breakfast - lots of fruit and walnuts in a big soup bowl, with a little whipped cream.  It's amazing how filling it is.  I may try to get to Costco tomorrow morning and get some frozen foods I can have on hand that are easy to fix, mostly salmon and cod.  I happen to have a lot of vegetables in my fridge, and a couple of days just cooked a variety of them, threw them together with cheddar and sour cream on top.  That is probably one of my favorite meals, although it wouldn't satisfy a true meat eater.

After a wonderful cool spell, the temperatures are going to rise steadily during the next couple of weeks, with forecasts close to 100.  I will predict that it will top 100 before the middle of June.  I can't tell you how much I hate the heat!

My son sent a huge suitcase back with me containing items to donate to the homeless, including 3 pairs of athletic shoes that look almost new, a pair of boots, two jackets, and dozens of shirts.  I've filled four big white trash bags with them, and hope Jeannie can help me get them to the drop off site this weekend.  I can do it myself, but that would require 4 trips from my car into the store.  One of the bags contain women's clothes, which they will give to W.E.A.V.E. (Women Escaping a Violent Environment); I'm glad I won't have to make a separate trip to that location.

I had better get back to finishing up in my room, or I'll be calling it quits for the day and will have to face it tomorrow. 


  1. You have been an inspiration to me. I still have my underwear drawer in order. haha

    I can't remember the name of the book you recommended. I rolled my kitchen towels like my underwear but don't know if that was recommended.

    You have made so much progress with your little place and I just love your yellow walls!

    1. Thanks so much, Janet. The two books by Marie Kondo are "The Magic Art of Tidying Up", and "Spark Joy". The second one gives little diagrams of the folding process, so it would be more helpful. There are also many Youtube videos on the KonMari method - some good and some mediocre. Do a search (top of page) for "Konmari folding" and you will find many demonstrations of the folding for just about everything. I still forget and wonder "do I fold this in thirds, or should I fold it in half and then half again?" Things folded by this method fit so much better in your space, take up way less room, and you can really see the benefits when you pack a suitcase!

  2. Thanks. I'll check out the you tubes now and may eventually be able to get one of the books. It also helps me to read the reviews on Amazon to see what other people like about certain books.

    1. I loved the books, but you need to keep in mind that Marie Kondo is from Tokyo, a huge city with millions of people, mostly living in small spaces. They simply don't have much space to live, and very little for storage. By contrast, it's not unusual for a family of 4 in the U.S. to live in a 2000 sq.ft. house, and we are constantly bombarded with ads urging us to buy stuff. It doesn't make much sense to get rid of unneeded and unused items, and then run out and replace them with more. Most people who live and travel in RV's understand that very few things are needed to live a good life in a very small space. Good luck in your efforts. I found that I soon had no qualms about getting rid of things that I no longer used or needed. (I still have a long way to go!)

  3. House work is something you let go until just before company is coming. . .

    1. To tell the truth, I want to get my house in order and get rid of a lot of the clutter so I don't die and leave my kids with the burden they had with their dad's place. With his house though, they had to carefully go over and through every inch of space, because he had money hidden everywhere including under the mattress and in books. I told them they don't have to worry about that in my house!

  4. I agree totally about housework and cleaning. You get to enjoy it for about a day until it needs doing again. I have heard though of people who actually like to clean.

  5. I agree totally about housework and cleaning. You get to enjoy it for about a day until it needs doing again. I have heard though of people who actually like to clean.

    1. I guess it all depends on one's attitude toward cleaning. My attitude has always been terrible1

  6. I understand the house cleaning bit, but I sure hate a dirty house. You have a lot of floors to wash, don't know whats worse hard flooring or carpet, I just now I am so sorry I put in carpet and not hard flooring. I have a floor mate for vinyl floors and I love it does a great job.

    Nice to hear you are donating all those great clothes. The womens shelters are a wonderful place and those clothes will be much needed there even childrens clothes are needed in those shelters

    1. I don't like a dirty house, but I can overlook things for a while. It gives me very little satisfaction when I'm finished cleaning. I think my problem is more clutter than dirt - I seem to always have papers and items I don't put away, or don't want to lose, so they stay where I can find them easily.

      I was the oldest of 8 kids, and my Mom always would rather me watch the kids while she cleaned, so I just never learned how to do it systematically.
