Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, February 18, 2017

California Storms

I know there are readers who live in California and I'm sure there are many in the southern part of the state.

I hope you stay safe during these storms, and please stay off the highways if at all possible.   
I'd really appreciate comments especially from Californians with an update of your area.  I worry about all of you, and especially those in mountainous areas or near rivers.  And I know other states have problems as well due to the weather this year.  

Call me  crazy, but I think I'd rather be looking out at snow than at all this rain, which is becoming depressing.

Be safe.


  1. So glad you posted. I've been concerned.

    1. I'm concerned about Monday, and hope all the hype just fizzles out.

  2. Too much of any kind of weather can be bad. Too much rain, too much dry, too much hot, too much cold, too much sun, too many clouds. Hope the California storms quit soon. I think they will, because I just now heard that all that rain is coming our way.

    1. I hope you don't get too much rain, or especially the awful winds that sometimes accompany it.

  3. Glad you posted. Let's us know you are safe. I hope the weather gets better soon. We had a lot os snow up here but it is melting slowly which is better than a rapid melt.

    1. Yes, the slow melt is much better. The snowmelt will be my biggest worry.

  4. Hey Kid, I am having supper with some nice folks from near Lassen Park out your way. They live in Chester. Relax and enjoy it all.

    1. I remember Chester very well. I had to drive many miles to get to it to buy necessities as well as to use my cell phone. I enjoyed those days.

  5. Been checking out lots of videos it's horrible. So happy you are safe and your family also.

    1. If we can get through the next week I hope things calm down a bit with the rain. I'm really tired of it.

  6. Have not posted here in a long time but thought of you and all the rain and dam issues and wanted to hear from someone close to the situation (can't always trust the news). Also regarding your health issues, have you ever tried herbs? They are a treasure trove of minerals and vitamins that are easily absorbed by the body. I've been taking for years now and I know when I don't take them, I do feel it. There are a lot of books out there but one I like the best is Susun Weed's. I just take the powdered capsules and a few tinctures here and there. It's been said that herbs are the "meat" of the plant kingdom and I have to agree with that. Just thought I would share that with you. You will not here the medical community advocating herbs because there is no money in it but they do help a lot of people with issues like yours and could give you the boost you need right now. Blessings to you and stay safe!

    1. As for herbs, the only one I use faithfully is turmeric. Thanks for the suggestion, and I will check them out. My chiropractor is the one I know who is best up on natural remedies (his wife practices Ayurveda(?) While I don't practice anything, I am open to things that can help me. Thanks for the reference to Susan Weed, and I will try to find a copy.
