Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Donations taken away

I woke up shortly after 6 am this morning.  I could have gone back to sleep and probably would have stayed asleep until 8:00, but I was supposed to have all the donations out by 8:00.  So I just got up and at 6:30 I was hefting boxes and bags out to the short walkway up to the steps, and to the porch.  I also had to get some bags out of the car that Jeannie had surreptitiously put in there, so as to keep the kids from knowing what she was giving away.

The truck finally got here at about 1pm.  I had hoped they would be early because I wanted to go to Costco when they opened, but by early afternoon I lost all interest in going anywhere.   I didn't have to be here, but I didn't want to think about anyone rifling through the bags to see what I was giving away, and having things strewn about.

I wrote Steve that I now have room in my living room for a tub, toilet, vanity top, etc.

My photo boxes came this morning and I think I will like them enough to order more.   Everywhere I look it seems I find more photos.  They are in every drawer, closet, nook, and cranny in the house.  Just sorting them into broad categories is so time consuming.  When I get my camera that I left at Jeannie's I will take a picture of the boxes.  They look similar to Michael's but I think they are a little taller, have a place for a label on the front of the box, and of course the tabbed dividers for the inside.  The dividers won't work unless I have enough photos in the box that they will all stand up.  I may end up doing my own dividers, maybe for major titles and subtitles.

I went to another homeowners' mtg last night, although I discovered there are TWO organizations and this isn't the same one that I attended recently.   Some of it was interesting, but the speaker let two men at one table completely take over the discussion.  Even though others had their hands up to ask questions, they were ignored until the two loudmouths decided they said enough for the time being.  And when they stopped to breathe, the president of the association peppered the speaker with her own questions.   That happened more than once during the hour and a half that I was there.  I think I left at a break before the meeting was over, but I had about had it.

I never did care for clubs or organizations, and this group is no exception.    I'd like to find a compatible group to belong to, but at my age it's not likely.  Like Don Someone-or-another used to sing, "Oh, Lonesome Me".


  1. CONGRATULATIONS on all the room you now have and for donating so others may make use of your things. I think anyone who runs an organization should be required to read Roberts Rules of Order so those sorts of meetings where a few take over the floor don't happen.

    1. I am really amazed at how much I've been able to see what I need and don't need anymore, and to get rid of so much. I still have such a long way to go, but I'm making progress.

      I recall a funny story about my late ex-husband. We lived in Cincinnati, he owned a tavern, and was elected president of the Buckeye Tavern Assn. When selecting his board members, he chose the most noisy, out-of-order, obnoxious man in the organization to be his Sgt. at Arms - the person who keeps order and makes sure things go smoothly. This guy was a different man at meetings, and took his responsibilities very seriously. The Homeowners Assn. needs a good sgt. at arms.

    2. Who was the Sgt. at Arms? Steve S?

    3. A guy named Clark? He really was obnoxious, but he didn't drink during the meetings and was quick to silence loud-mouths. I hadn't realized how good your dad was at reading some people and applying a bit of psychology now and then.

  2. I bet you feel good getting this stuff out of your house once and for all.

    I quit going to the meetings here for the same reason and they did bring up the Roberts Rules didn't do any good. This place needs an entire change of the Board of directors.

    1. I feel so good with what I've accomplished so far, but I know I still have a lot of work to do. I need to wash windows and curtains, but have put it off because I desperately need new windows installed. It all takes $$$ though.

      I remember going to a mtg of condo owners when I lived in VA. As always, there are the "in-people" who run everything and do what they want. I only attended one meeting the 13 years I owned the place.

  3. I finally got a fire lit under Jim and he is in the process of cleaning out the shed this morning. He has soooo much stuff and I'm hoping he will be willing to part with some of it. But it really is hard for him. I can toss easily. I think I've been to one homeowners meetings in all my years. Hated it. I don't even like coffee and donuts here in the park. I think it has to do with all the meetings (useless ones) that I had to attend at work.

    1. I always had a tough time getting rid of anything, but reading the Marie Kondo method set a fire under me! She insists on doing clothes first, then books. If you can successfully get rid of things you haven't used in ages and can't say you ever will, then it becomes easier to purge when you get to papers, sentimental items, photos, etc. I find I'm very much able to make a rational decision now.

      Oh, those awful meetings at work! They were always a waste of time! I'm relieved that it's not just me who finds it tedious to attend homeowner mtgs.

  4. So proud of you for how far you have come with your organization efforts. Would love to have an empty living room :(

    1. It doesn't stay empty for long. An empty space cries out for something to be put into it!
