Thanks to comment from fellow RVer FD5, I think I will now have hot water when I need it. I really appreciate your help, FD.
My experience is that usually when something good happens, something will occur on the other end of the spectrum in order to keep you in balance. After I tweaked the valves on the hot water heater I returned to my laptop, which is set up on the dining table. Unfortunately I had also set a beverage on the table, although not close to the computer. I inadvertently knocked over the beverage and got a towel to mop up the floor, not seeing the liquid on the laptop keys. I haven't tried this morning, but as a veteran killer of keyboards due to spilled beverages, I don't think there is going to be any way to save the laptop. In the meantime I set up my desktop and it is running pretty well. I think I will be able to travel with it by placing the styrofoam packaging on the ends and putting away the monitor. I just love this monitor - it's lightweight, flat screen, and huge compared to the laptop. It is hard to find room to comfortably place the keyboard and mouse, though, but I think I can live with it. Just when I had come to terms with the laptop and didn't dislike it as I did at first....... The worst of it is that I have files and pictures on the laptop that, of course, I didn't back up properly.
What I need is a desk. I would love to get rid of this great big entertainment center and replace it with a small computer desk. I'll try to post a picture of it and perhaps someone has a comment on how I could do this, or maybe comment on the effects on the structure of the slide out if I should remove this thing. I got the picture added all right, but not exactly in the part of the blog where I wanted it.
I can't help with the construction of your desk--but there does seem to be an area below the tv that could be used. I'm sure somebody here will be able to tell you how. As to posting photos---mine never end of where I want then and you can't seem to move them around--must be a fault of blogger! Certainly could not be me! Ha! Ha! Debbie