Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Hurry Up and Wait!

I initially got the idea that I would have to pack up all my stuff and move in a short span of time.  Now it looks like it might be another month or two, or who even knows.  Jeannie & Steve wanted to "get away from it all", and took their families for a 5-day trip to Bodega Bay.  So I'm going to quit worrying that I won't get my place packed up and ready to go anytime in the next few weeks.

I'm starting to accumulate a lot of items to be donated, but I can't take them anywhere to donate.  That requires a car or other means.  Does anyone out there remember Roseanne Rosannadanna?  I can't even remember the name of the TV show or the woman who played Roseanne.  I think she passed away quite a few years ago.  I loved her no-nonsense way of viewing the world and the people in it.  Her best line was "Well, it's always something.  If it isn't one thing, it's another".   (I just remembered it was Gilda Radner, rest in peace!)

My youngest son, Joe, asked if he could come over this morning and take Rocky for a walk.  "Is the Pope Catholic?" was my reply!  Joe is the youngest and probably the most energetic of my kids, so Rocky is in for a good workout.  I walk him once a day, but am terribly nervous about falling or tripping over a crack in the pavement - the only sidewalk runs along the school property about a block away from my house, and it's not in the best shape.  And while I hate to say it, Rocky is more apt to listen to and obey a man's voice!

If someone were to ask me what is the most difficult part of being 80, I would immediately answer "loss of memory"!  I can easily remember everything that happened in the first 79 years of my life, but nothing in the last 79 minutes!  I was outside on the deck a few minutes ago watering my tomato plants, remembered something I needed to do, and by the time I walked about 7 steps from the deck to my couch I totally forgot what it was I came in for.  That is the story of my life this past year.  I try to not complain because my memory issues aren't bad compared to what some folks have to deal with.


  1. I have nearly 80 years of memories. If one person had ever shown any interest in holding on to my research, they could have said so, or hinted, etc. One of my brothers also has a large genealogical collection, so he can share it. I'm too old to take it with me when I move.

  2. Many years agoI read Gilda Radner book and that was the title "It's Always Something"
    Same here with the memory....Just today I saw the cats dish was low on dry food....went down to the basement for more....then ????..what did I come down here for...I stand for a few minutes until it comes to me..?.......

    1. You make me feel like I'm not the only one who does things like that. I like to think my brain is just crowded with all the knowledge I've amassed over the years!

  3. Google donation centers in you area and find one that comes and collects the items if you leave them outside maked with the donation centers name on it. I use Big Brothers Big Sisters I just call when I have things to go and they give me a date and I make sure its out there.

    Like kawarthagal I always lose track of what I was going to get but stand still for a few and then remember works most of the time anyway haha

    1. My daughter likes to give our stuff to a certain person because she has contacts with and gives it right to the homeless and needy. I don't want my items sitting in a Salvation Army bin, for goodness sake not Goodwill. Goodwill sells things in their stores and makes a profit on it which they keep. But when I gather a few items I don't want to hold on to them until someone else is ready to take them.

  4. Hi Gypsy! My first comment to you. I just want to tell you that any age can get forgetful going into another area. It's called the doorway effect when you step through a doorway, hallway, etc. and forget. Once I found that out, I will say to myself what I'm going for before I step out of an area. Also happens when I walk to the shed to retrieve something. Search for doorway effect or forgetting going through doorway. Don't worry so much Gypsy. Everything will be ok. At least that's what I tell myself. . . over and over. . . .

    1. p.s. The study done says it's because we have too much on our minds and not focused on the task.

    2. Thank you so much for your comments. They give me hope, and hope is just about all I have left. I've always been an intelligent person with a good memory for important things, and it is so difficult for me to go at a slower pace and not worry so much. Also, there is so much in the media to distract our minds, probably intentionally. I don't watch tv news but I read it online and should probably quit it altogether.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The less active we are the more we forget things we want or have to do.
    Even exercising on your treadmill will help.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  6. I really need to get back to the treadmill again. Every week I tell myself that, so let's see if this is the week I begin to renew myself.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
