Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Everything is about the same with me as it was yesterday, except I talked myself into going to the gym for a walk.

I haven't noticed the smell of smoke in the air, although my sense of smell isn't what it used to be.  I've heard it is noticeable in some areas of the city.  From what I've been reading, the fires are continuing to burn and decimate homes, businesses, belongings, etc.   With so many devastating events going on all over the country it's easy to wonder if at least some of it is due to geo-engineering.

I managed to do two loads of laundry this afternoon, and everything is folded on my bed and waiting to be put away.  I will hold out until I'm almost too tired to deal with it and want to go to bed!

I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying temps in the 70's this week.  We may have a day that reaches 80 or so in the coming days, but I think we're heading for winter.  Because I'm always cold due to the thyroid problem, I've been wearing sweatpants and a jacket, even in the house.  And I have windows open so the house stays cool.  Love it!

Triple A in this area is offering a free class on what to do in an earthquake.  I don't know if I want to take the class or not - the info sent to me describes what I should do in case of a quake, so I don't know what else there might be.   My area isn't in an earthquake zone per se, but it IS in California, and I suppose all bets are off!

I hope you are all comfortable wherever you are, and stay safe!


  1. All that seems to come here to upper Alabama is tornadoes and hurricane remnants. Be safe.

    1. It would be difficult to find a place that would be safe from disasters and extreme weather.

  2. I'm up early a.m. reading health sites and ran across this article with suggestions for protecting your body from air pollution/fire etc. with foods and it made me think of you. While it would be difficult to do all of it, doing what we can will help:


    I read the other day that Oklahoma has more earthquakes than California due to the water injection wells from fracking. North Oklahoma has the worst ones, but we occasionally hear "booms" down here by the river.

    1. Thank you for the link to foods to protect from air pollution. I have never been able to understand why the people of Oklahoma suffer all those earthquakes yet still allow fracking to occur. I understand it is no doubt mainly economics, but to know that the quakes can't go on forever without some really severe damage that can never be repaired, just makes me wonder why state officials allow it. They must be getting mega-bucks in payback.

  3. So much disaster this year, it's hard to believe it. I love temperatures in the 70s too. It just feels so nice.

    1. And the disasters aren't over with. I've just been watching a video about the Las Vegas shootings, and it looks like a major cover-up is going on. That is the fishiest story they've concocted, and I just wonder what it's all about. You can plainly see the govt is involved in it. I have reached the point where I don't trust ANYTHING that any govt official says, and that is a sad realization.

  4. Yes, it is all about money and unfortunately it doesn't "trickle" down.

    Another site you may be interested in is Dutchsinse. You can google him to get his updated info. He has been pretty successful in predicting earthquakes. He is an amazing young man.

    1. I watch Dutchsinse's videos often; it's amazing how accurate he is, and how he is disdained by the scientific community. He is much more accurate than they are, and he is self taught.
