While I was eating my lunch I looked out the window and noticed a yellow & black panel truck pull up across the road. I could see the name "Gilmore" plastered all over the truck, but nothing to indicate what type of service they offered. I'm normally not nosy, but this kept bothering me.
Along with the name "Gilmore" there was a drawing of a big bird that looks familiar but that I can't identify (maybe someone with better eyes and a better knowledge of birds can help me.) Well, it just got to be too much so I took my camera into the kitchen and photographed the truck through the screen. I also used the zoom on the camera, and when I looked at the photo I could see that the company does heating and air conditioning. To me, that should be the most prominent lettering on the truck, or at least on a par with Gilmore!
After walking at the gym I drove to the Farmer's mkt and came back with a lot of good stuff. The brussel sprouts looked so good and I am going to have them with whatever I decide to fix for supper. I haven't gone to the Saturday market since before I left for Alaska, I think. The only thing I didn't care for were the two whiney folk singers that are supposed to entertain the patrons while they shop. They just make me want to buy only what I need and then leave!
I just took another look at the photo and think I see the bird has sunglasses on (please tell me you see sunglasses!). When first looking at the photo it looked like a dog's floppy ears, which I didn't think it could be. If I bought a snazzy new truck as nice as this one is, I think I'd figure out a better way to advertise my trade. Just sayin' .....
I feel so good today, it must have been the gym! I can overlook the area where the personal trainers work out their patrons. Only one was there this morning, working with a young woman, but what he had her doing is what I often see the trainers who are working with really old folks who have much less mobility than this girl does. I would feel pretty irritated if I paid the price for an hour of personal training, and was doing some of the old-person mobility steps, and if I'm not an old person then I'm close! I could certainly do better than that.
I was outside sweeping up some of the pink flowers & berries from the front yard tree, including big piles of it on the curb. Ed, next door, has the same kind of tree and the same kind of debris, so I just swept along the curb in front of his driveway & house. He caught me! I told him when I use the leaf blower I'll do a more thorough job, although it's useless until the stuff quits falling from the trees. I saw Ed walking in the driveway a little earlier and he doesn't look so good - very stooped over. He sounds ok to talk to though, and was very happy with the job my son (Joe) did trimming some of the bushes in his yard.
I found the leaf blower and extension cord in a bin outside, but didn't think to look for the earmuffs to deaden the sound. The more I think about it the more I believe I will try to con one of my sons into the job. Steve is the only one who reads my blog, so he is already on alert!
I thought I'd just write a short blog today, but it seems I just can't help myself once I get started.
Finally, happy 6th birthday, Liam!
Luck at Rainbow Springs
43 minutes ago
Is that even a bird painted on the truck? It doesn't look like any bird or animal I can identify.
ReplyDeleteA penguin?!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Liam! Grandma, looks like those babies are growing-up on you!
Looking at the head and upper body it could be a penguin. I can't see well enough to figure out what is painted all over the rest of him. Penguins and a/c go together at least.
DeleteI agree that it is a penguin. You must be in better shape than the younger people who go to your gym.
ReplyDeleteI'm not in bad shape for my age, but this was a healthy young woman and the trainer had her moving sideways, step by step, then backwards, etc. An old person who has very little mobility might need to start at this level to get their joints moving. I see that all the time and it's fun to watch the improvement they make. The girl I saw this morning was nowhere near that level, and he finally gave her some decent exercises to do.
DeleteIt's a penguin wearing sunglasses and an Aloha shirt, lol. Cute!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't make out the Aloha shirt.
DeletePenguin, sunglasses, Aloha shirt, and a cool drink. I think he's kind of cute.
ReplyDeleteHe is kind of cute, but I still think the main reason for the business - Heating and Cooling - should have been more obvious. His name sure was obvious, but you had to search among all the artwork and fun stuff to even see what you might need them for.
DeleteJust curious what does "just saying" mean?
ReplyDelete"Just sayin' " isn't a phrase I use very often (mostly younger people use it) I take it to mean that I'm saying my opinion which anyone can take or leave.
DeleteThank you for the explanation. Sounds reasonable to me.
DeleteYou're welcome. I don't feel exactly comfortable using the term, mainly because I've associated it with younger, more "hip" people!
DeleteThose exercises you describe for the girl sound like knee injury rebuild.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Liam, my great grandson celebrated his birhtday today too.
That's very possible, although they had her doing some other stuff that seemed more appropriate for her. But knee injury makes sense now that you mention it.
DeleteHappy birthday to your g-grandson!
I'm late to the party so I'll just agree with Pat. Now if we can figure out why heating and Air conditioning would have a penguin with sunglasses a tall cool one and a hawaiian shirt. I guess they will get your house so cool that a penguin would feel at home even in Hawaii? DUH? Maybe they don't get very many calls for heat in Sacramento.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Liam!
I guess the whole idea is clever when you think of staying cool - take a trip to Hawaii, wear a flowered shirt and drink a nice tall one. It drove me crazy at first because all I could see were the striking colors or the truck, an animal or bird I couldn't identify, etc.
DeleteI probably need a new furnace but if I use it at all it is on really cold mornings for about half an hour after I get up. At other times I use a small electric heater which I place near wherever I'm sitting, and it is much more economical to operate.
Are you okay? You don't sound like yourself today.
ReplyDeleteYou know, after reading your comment I read my post again, and darn, I really complained about a lot of things, didn't I. I was in a great mood most of the day, but I guess my comments sounded more like complaints. I'll have to watch myself in the future
DeleteDefinitely a penguin with sunglasses, a Hawaiian shirt and a lemonade on that truck. Kinda silly. Just sayin'. (There, that makes me feel younger. LOL.)
ReplyDeleteYou go, girl!