That's what they said when I went online to download ccleaner. I heard most of the pitch before I realized it was for Windows, but the version for the Mac is the same. A perky voice explains that there is a difference between "Free" and "Free to Try", so it turns out that you can only use it free for 30 days. Maybe most of you who use it acquired it when it was truly free. The video that I watched a part of really didn't make me want to download the trial copy because of all the disclaimers and warnings of what it leaves on your system. Before long I will no doubt be needing a new laptop, or service on my current one, and I will ask if they have a similar product that they will give me. Otherwise, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, as my computer runs much faster since I started deleting cookies and most of the history every day. Maybe if I get tired enough of doing that I'll quit spending so much time on it.
I'm hoping the art classes will give me something else to occupy my mind and my time. To that end I am looking for possible subjects to draw and/or paint, and have selected a number of photos from my Alaska trip. I had about 10 of them printed and have selected at least that many more for my next trip to Costco. I'm more likely to look at and enjoy the memories of my trip if I have photos to view, rather than having to look at them on the computer screen.
Well, I stuck to my intention to finish cleaning the floor and got right at it this morning after breakfast. It is truly a PITA to do it, moving furniture around, trying to keep my knees off the hard floor, and all. I also notice that when I lean forward for a length of time I get indigestion. The floors look pretty good, and I did the hallway as well. I could see that I need to continue with the floors in my bedroom and the "catch-all room" at the end of the hall, but that's for another day.
I have an important item to put into the mail, plus there are a few things I should pick up at the grocery. I don't remember when I've been out of butter for one thing, and that's how I fry my eggs when I don't have bacon grease. But I just don't feel like going anywhere - didn't even get to the gym this morning
I'm so happy to see my hummingbirds back. I don't know how many visit my feeder, but I notice a larger one and a smaller bird, and there may be more.
Does anyone have any experience with setting a bird bath under a tree? Every bird bath I see in this Park hasn't had water in it since I moved here, and I wonder if it's a problem with the feral cats getting them. If that is the case, then I would try to put it more into an open area where predators can't hide and pounce on the bathing beauties. My tree is a small flowering tree, and for the life of me I can't remember the name of it. It has beautiful pink flowers that drop seeds early in the season, and then the small pink petals fall everywhere. I'd like to cut the damn thing down because no matter how pretty it is, it's the messiest thing I have ever seen. My next door neighbor has one as well. So the branches are low lying, and I suspect they could hide danger until it's too late.
I think I've made up my mind to do my running around after I walk at the gym, and before it starts to warm up for the day.
I found a "free" program called Clean My Mac, downloaded it and studied it, then ran it. It ran just so far and then wanted me to buy the program to continue to clean my Mac. I deleted the program and all references to it, but don't know if it left anything on my computer or not - I'll have to check. These "free" programs are just scams, in my opinion, as what they really want to do is to sell you a $30 program.
It did show me on a line graph how much space I'm using for what programs. The most space I use is for photographs, but I'm no where even near a quarter of my total space used. I think I'm doing ok, doing what I'm doing, and that is just deleting unwanted history and cookies on a daily basis.
Luck at Rainbow Springs
53 minutes ago
That is shame that they charge for CClean now. When I was trying to fix my laptop I ran across 30 day free trials as well. If it wasn't for that guy at the library who had that program on a flash drive, I probably would have had to buy a computer sooner than I did.
ReplyDeleteYou have accomplished a lot today. Would your tree be a crape myrtle?
That free program ran some kind of test and told me I had files to delete - don't know if it ever deleted them because it then popped up the msg about buying the program. I couldn't get rid of it - no way to "X" out of it so I restarted my computer.
DeleteI looked up crape myrtle trees and that is exactly what I have. I had them all along one side of my property in Asheville so I should have remembered the name. I see that I need to water it; I didn't water anything in the past two or three years because of drought, so I hope to do a little bit of it this year. Thanks for giving me the name of the tree - I wouldn't have ever remembered it.
I have CCleaner on my computer and it's the free version because I don't pay for it. Every so often it wants to update and they try to sell me the one that you pay for. I have to look around for the free up date and they don't make it easy to find. My son put it on my computer so I don't know how to install the free version.
ReplyDeleteI think I've given up on it. The instructions they gave for installing the free version - which wasn't so free as it turned out - were not very clear to me and I don't think I'd try it again, even if it was really free. I've been going through some files and deleting lots of stuff, and I know I am not running with a jammed full computer. I've always tried to keep things manageable, and it works so far.
Delete"...I am looking for possible subjects to draw and/or paint,..."
ReplyDeleteA friend who is an artist uses National Geographic for reference material for some of her paintings. And of course she owns a bunch of art books. A lot of her material she picks up at second hand stores. I haven't been into Barnes & Noble in a while, but the $5.00 book sales are a great place to look, too.
Thanks for the tip. I am going to take my grandson to B&N on Thursday so I will browse around. I found a drawing in one of the books I brought back for the kids and took a photo of it for reference. I've also looked through all my pictures of Alaska and might try to use some of them, as well as check out some magazines. Thanks again.
DeleteLOL - if you don't like the tree maybe it's a Crap Myrtle. I downloaded CCcleaner and ran it and found that it deleted every single bit of history including all the "recent" things opened in word and excel which turned out to be a real PIA for me. I did the free version and won't upgrade or anything else in a month. Looking at the situation with my too full hard drive, it didn't help at all and I don't notice anything running faster. Your process may take longer but it sounds like it at least does some good.
ReplyDeleteI've deleted a few things from History that I regretted but it just made it a bit more difficult to access a website; same with cookies, if you have an account and password set up on a site and delete the cookie you will have to re-login. These are sites where someone hacking my login wouldn't be a big deal - backpacking websites, for instance.
DeleteMy computer was really running slow about two months ago and I started going through files and deleting what I could. It made a big difference - I just had too darn much junk on my computer. It runs a lot faster now. I wish I could get away from being on the computer so much but I need something to fill my time in the evenings.
I wanted to tell you I DID make those banana/oat cookies yesterday and they were delicious! Right out of the oven I ate three and snacked on them during the day. Had more for breakfast this morning. I feel like they are a "free" treat because they are good for me. I'll be making them every time I have a banana that has ripened too much for me to eat or put in cereal. And BTW, I used 2 bananas and 3 packages of my "instant" oatmeal, and they worked just fine. Thanks, Gypsy! 🍪🍪🍪
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you tried them and liked them. I had one ripe banana this morning and mixed it with 1/2 c. oats. I made the cookies small and got 15 of them somehow. I ate every single one, but when you think about it, I ate 1 banana, 1/2 cup oats (and a few choc. chips).
DeleteWow! I have been using mine for four years on this computer and is (so far) stil free. That is a bummer. I will have to go look:(
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that they haven't gone back and tried to collect from folks who have been using it - but they will probably hit you up if you ever need one for a new computer.