to keep a Grandma humble! I went shopping with Jeannie & her family today - Costco and Target. As has become our custom, when I've gotten everything I need to buy at Target (and Jeannie still has a long way to go), I take Autumn over to the Pizza Hut counter for a snack and an icee. Today she wanted a bag of popcorn, so I was holding the very warm bag of popcorn while pouring the icee. For some reason I spilled a lot of the icee, so I cleaned up what I could and topped it off.
I carried the popcorn and icee over to the Starbucks area so we could sit at a table. Autumn looked me in the eye and said, "The last time we were here you spilled your coffee". What a long memory that girl has - it's been at least a month. I guess she's the only one in the family who will be seen with me at the Pizza Hut/Starbucks in Target.
Since I ate my small package of Oreos in no time flat last week, I didn't hesitate to get the big Costco size box today. For some reason I've been snacking a lot lately, which is something I don't do often, but it's like I can't get filled up. It must be the iron supplements I've been taking, which I've cut down to a half dose by now.
I've avoided driving more than a couple of miles at a time since my surgery, but I need to refuel my truck as I'm down to about 1/4 tank, and I have to drive to the eye surgeon for a follow up on the 3rd. I get diesel at Safeway as they have the lowest price I've seen in this area. The Safeway is well on the way to the surgeon, but as my appointment is at some ungodly hour of the morning I don't want to have to stop and fuel up, to say nothing about smelling like diesel for the rest of the morning. So tomorrow I will see how well my eyes are doing. I can notice a very slight improvement over the past week, but I'm ready for 20/20 vision! (Haha, as if that will ever happen.)
Old Age Isn't For Sissies:
1 hour ago
Good luck, I'm praying for that 20/20 for you!
ReplyDeleteI think it's a good thing for a four year old to see adults can spill things as much as they do! :)
ReplyDeleteKids - you gotta love them. They are so honest and open. Sure hope it doesn't break the bank when you fill up the truck. I cringe every time we go near a gas station.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the dr. appt.
I wish you good luck at the doctor and as it's on my birthday I am sure it will be terrific ☺
ReplyDeleteAll things are possible
ReplyDelete20 20 would be wonderful wouldn't it ?
What was it before the surgery?
It wasn't written down, but I'm almost sure the doctor who did my last cataract operation (1 year ago) told me I was at 20/40. Of course I don't have that right now, but I'd settle for something close!
ReplyDeleteHope you get good news at the eye docs. And kids, you just got to love them.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what an icee is but sure hope I don't spill one someday. Wishing you all the best on that eye thing.....
ReplyDeleteDon't you love kids! As Art Linkletter said, "Kids say the darndest things!"
ReplyDeleteHope you get really good news at the surgeons this trip. Kids are such a hoot... :)
ReplyDeleteThose kids show no mercy :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck at the doctor's
ReplyDeleteThe 3rd?...let's see that is this Thurs. Hope it goes well and I'm glad to hear you eyesight is improving on the other eye! Yep...I guess as we are in the 2nd half of our life, we seniors I think revert to some think done as a child. I love the honesty from a child. Drive careful Gypsy!