This evening within 5 minutes I received two unwanted text messages - one advertising Bud Light, and another written in Italian. I talked to a tech at Verizon who blocked all text, photo, and animated messages, plus put me on the Do-Not-Call list. I asked if I could avoid the charges for the two unwanted messages and he said he would reverse them. Those 2 messages alone amounted to over $19!
Although I don't like the hassles of having and using a cell phone, I will say that Verizon tries to make it a decent experience, and I have never called them about a problem that I wasn't satisfied with their service. I was ready to cancel my phone altogether and pay a huge penalty, and to tell the truth I had decided I would get a jitterbug phone - not many options (which I don't need or use anyway), easy keyboard, and no external keys to get pushed by mistake or camera to get activated my mistake. I guess I'm stuck with the Verizon until approx. Oct of 2012.
Hey, that's just about 2 months short of the end of the Mayan calendar! I promise myself when this contract is up I am will get a land line phone and a basic pay-as-you go phone. In fact, if I rent another apartment or small house I will probably get a land line anyway. But for now, Verizon is as good as it gets.
I have been a recluse the past week or so, and I wish I had TV sometimes. I know if I had it I'd be either bored to death with the programming and commercials, or glued to the screen from morning til night. And no, I can't watch programs on my computer because I'm stuck with the 5GB bandwidth per month. I listen to Pandora Radio via the computer however, and the best part is that I can select the type of music I want to listen to and create a radio station for it. I have about 6 or 7 stations now with all types of music, but I still have to keep watch on the bandwidth being used.
Thanks to a comment from Judilyn, I downloaded Equinox and got it to work fairly well. Unfortunately the night skies have been somewhat cloudy the past few nights and about all I can see is the moon and Jupiter. I look forward to being on the road one of these days and not having so much light pollution.
I'm turning my telescope over to son, Steve, who lives a block or so away from the Pacific ocean now, and the stars seem to be more brilliant over the water. I hope he gets some good use out of it. I was concerned about finding the instructions for assembling it, but then had to laugh to myself - he will look at it and know instinctively how it goes. I was the same way when I was his age, although you'd never know it now.
I also want to thank Sandra for the link to FreeCell for the Mac. It works and I'm enjoying it, although I think Microsoft does the best board games. Also thanks to all who sent links and suggestions for skywatch software as well as games.
Six more wake-ups to go until the next step in my life is determined.
Old Age Isn't For Sissies:
58 minutes ago
Don't be too quick on switching from Verizon to Jitterbug. They do not have as good of coverage as the other companies do. My dad wanted it and no signal over his house for it. But he gets Sprint, At&t and Verizon signals over his house. go figger....
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
I have Verizon and like it and the service. I did have the text turned off, since I don't use it. I also have the wireless computer link that plugs into the USB port. Seems to have good coverage and I have used in in a lot of different States.
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I am not a phone person at all so I am spared all that mumbo jumbo cell phone stuff. Texting Schmexting!! I'd rather send smoke signals. Guess if I was on my own I might be forced back into the phone world but so far Kelly handles all that stuff. I'm good at carrying the garbage out....
ReplyDeleteHi Gypsy. Nice blog. We use Directway for our internet and I downloaded a meter in to the tray that lets usknow how our bandwith is doing. Can you do the same with the Verizon air thing???
ReplyDeleteHope you haven't given up the idea of some kind of travel altogether.. I was hoping we would be able to meet somewhere out on the road.
ReplyDeleteGypsy if you or anyone finds a meter for Verizon please let us all know. I have a verizon Aircard and have had a lot of trouble with the 5G ceiling. It really limits what you can do. And that includes the number of pictures I can put up on my blog.
ReplyDeleteI had a Virgin Mobile phone and it was pay as you go and I really liked that but the coverage was no where near as good as Verizon so I'm switching even though I'm not very happy with this 2 year contract thing.
It is good to know you've had such good service from Verizon.