I've spent the last couple of weeks formulating in my mind the ad I will place to sell my truck-camper combination. Today I went to drop off the check for Feb. storage, and stopped by the camper - it looks like the leak is only in the front window(which is bad enough) and is being contained by the tarp around the cabover part.
I then went to Costco and ended up coming out with a 6 x 9 patio carpet, which would be nice to have outside the camper to set up my chairs and little table. Go figure - am I going to sell it or keep it? I sure don't know at this point, but when the sun is shining everything looks a lot better and more hopeful.
My surgery is two weeks from today, and I need to start thinking about how I'm going to box up things to put in storage when I move from here the end of March. It won't be an easy task, for sure. But right now, while I have a speck of energy left, I need to do some cleaning - my most unfavorite job. With a dog around nothing stays clean for long.
Old Age Isn't For Sissies:
58 minutes ago
I hate household chores as well. I usually have to force myself to get it done. Funny how happy I am once it's done. If Emma would ever stop shedding, I'd only have to do it once in a while. :)
ReplyDeleteOnly you can decide about the camper. I hope you come to a peaceful decision in time.
Sometimes in our lowest moments, we make decisions based upon the 'worst case scenario' but I think you need to let your thoughts simmer for awhile. It's hard to make a judgment or to predict how you'll feel in three weeks right now. You're nervous enough over the upcoming surgery. Give your mind a rest and let it percolate. One problem at a time, including the March move.
I hope you keep your TC and at least try one or two short trips after your eye surgery. I think you will get the hang of it! If not, you have time to shop around, maybe trade for a camper van.
ReplyDeleteYou are in a time of stress right now Gypsy & the best advice I would give anyone, including myself, would be to put a 'hold' on any major decision making. Give yourself time to get through the eye surgery healing process & then let the Winter season change into Spring before making a decision on your truck camper.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Al.
ReplyDeleteOnce you get over your surgery and Spring 'springs', you will have a whole different outlook.
Happy Trails, Penny, TX
Only you can decide on whether to keep or sell your camper. I hope you will let it rest while you wait for your surgery. Let spring arrive before making any major decisions. You can always make the decision to sell in a month or two but if you sell now, you might find you really regret it later.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you decide I hope it is the right one for you. Good luck with the surgery and keep us posted.
I enjoy reading your posts.
I too agree with earlier post. Give it time. Give me a call if you want a short road trip next weekend.
ReplyDeleteNever make a dicision in haste. Like I always say, never do today what you can put off til tomorrow or next month or next year or. . .
ReplyDeleteI also like to suggest not to make any decision right now, one thing at a time, get your health back first.
ReplyDeleteEven if the decision is to sell the TC, I'm sure it will sell a lot better next spring and summer.
ReplyDeleteI would want the eye surgery behind me before making the decision as well.
If you're selling it because of the problem with the propane tanks I think now that you know the problem you will be more careful. I'm sure the leak can be fixed with some caulking.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the other folks, don't make any hasty decisions.
I, too, agree with Al. Now is not the time to make any major decissions. I think it is better to wait and not regret what you decide. Hope everything starts going your way soon. It sure has been a rough year for you.
ReplyDeleteDitto what Judy said.
ReplyDeleteOnly you can decide.
Like that wise woman, we hope you come to a peaceful decision in time, too.
The back and forth is all a part of the process.
Happy wrestling!
I think everyone is giving good advice here Gypsy girl. Just wait..try to relax...and try to keep positive thoughts. As to the roadrunner photo on my blog, yes I did post a photo. I have no idea why you can see one and not the other as they were both processed the same way and time. One of those freaky internet things!