Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I'm not posting as much lately because I can't get in the mood to write anything uplifting.  I look and feel like I've been through a war!

On a better note, I am so happy to have the opportunity to walk to my granddaughter's school and walk her back to my house.  Donald picks Arianna up at her school and then they come here to get Auti.  I try to have some kind of treat on hand - ice cream sandwiches and such work fine, as do fresh grapes and other fruit.  Yesterday I conned Donald into fixing a few things for me, including fitting a section of pool noodle to the killer bed in the guest room!  The short walk plus a short visit with them really bightens my day. 

I think Rocky is limping again, but not all the time and you really have to look closely to even notice it most of the time.  I don't know when I can get him to the vet - I have an appointment tomorrow with my opthamologist and really look forward to seeing him.  He is such a good doctor and I know there isn't much he can do for my dwindling sight - he knows it too.  I am hoping they wil write me a new prescription for glasses.  I think I did something to them when I fell - they just don't feel right.

I have a question for some of my "mature" readers, and that is, do you use a cane when walking outdoors?  I swore I would never use one but after several falls, the last one being really bad, I might want to rethink that.  I can see where one might help with a person's balance, but are there any other benefits?  I have a couple of hiking staffs left over from my past life as a backpacker and hiker, but they are too tall to carry around with me.  Maybe I should visit Sportsman's Warehouse or REI and see if I could find a suitable hiking stick that would work as a cane.  I think I've hit on a solution - Gypsy, you're brilliant!

Have a great day everyone, and I'm going to try to do the same!


  1. I use trekking poles if I feel I need them. I even fold them and put in my luggage when traveling.

    1. I certainly need at least one and have been looking online at them. I gave my good Leki poles to one of my kids.

  2. I have used my Sherlock Walking staff for decades. My first one and still in service is over 40 years old. My second is over 30 years old. Recently I found out they are no longer made. However I do not recommend canes. BUT I highly recommend walking staffs when the body gets wobbly. Mine have saved me many a fall in the last few years. On the silly side, a walking staff doesn't scream OLD like a cane does.

    1. I agree that the cane shouts OLD to the world! I think of a walking stick to be something like Leki's, and a walking staff to be a little taller. What is your opinion? I would like to use something when I walk the block to pick up my granddaughter after school, but don't want a stick or a staff that is taller than I am. I guess I need to think about this some more, and visit an outdoor supply store to check out the various possibilities.

    2. I am 67 inches tall. My walking staff adjusted from waist high to chin high. The down end had a rubber foot on it that screwed off leaving a 2 inch metal point for rock etc. I am glad I purchased a spare over 30 years ago.

    3. Do you carry it on all your walks?

    4. No but only part of the time do I have difficulties and then the staff is required for my safety.

  3. I see most of my neighbors and others using those poles they are about waist high or higher I guess they must be adjustable like Barney said. I have to wooden walking sticks I take one with me when I go camping just in case I have to whack a snake

  4. I like the poles but gave mine to my son; then bought another pair for myself and gave them to another one of my kids. I have two taller poles which aren't very comfortable for hiking a long distance or for backpacking. I need something shorter than won't stand out so much when I go to pick up my granddaughter. I think I will use the taller poles if I ever heal enough to walk the dog again.

  5. Gypsy, David resisted a cane until the last year of his life but once he started using it, he was really glad he did. I helped so much with balance and just something to have his hand on when he stopped to talk to people. A hiking stick isn't the same he found. He got an inexpensive cane at Walmart. I'm keeping it since I know one day I too will need it.

  6. I am glad to hear Donald installed the pool noodle on your killer bed the last thing you need now that you are convalescing is to injure yourself further. Kudos to Donald!

  7. After watching a plethora of the old Sherlock Holmes TV shows with Jeremy Brett, it seemed strange to see a man in any show of that era NOT carrying a cane!

    I have a lot of trouble walking (knee and hip pain), so I use a knee brace, and a cane with four rubber "feet" on the bottom on occasion. Usually I am somewhere that I can use a grocery cart of some kind to lean on, but keep the walking stick/cane in my car at all times.


    I don't see any advantage to going without something to hold onto when the alternative is to fall and/or scrape oneself up so badly. And this doesn't even mention the possibility of a broken bone. That would be an incredible inconvenience, so I've opted to just play it safe at all times.

    I've even acquired my official "old lady's grocery cart"! ;->


    Used it today, and it was wonderful. So easy to get things from the store to my car, and then out of the car and into the house - up three or five steps (back door or front door).

    The cart has three small wheels on each front corner that take stairs beautifully, so no lifting involved. Wish I had acquired it sooner.

    Virtual hugs,

