Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Nothing works as it should!

Starting with this computer - I just lost about three paragraphs of newly-written blog - it just went POOF and disappeared into thin air!

My visit to the dentist revealed that I need several fillings, possibly because I quit using fluoride toothpaste several years ago.  I am now back on Crest, which can't compare with Burt's Bees Without Fluoride!   I'm looking at some extensive dental work, and will probably get ill from the fluoride I've been avoiding but was told I needed.  I ordered an electric toothbrush and a waterpik, which should arrive on Monday.  I no doubt should have gotten them years ago, but better late than never.

My eyes have become so bad lately that it is really hard to read anything.  I don't think there is anything that can be done, and I'm just grateful I still retain fairly good distance vision.  Not good, but fairly good.

I could come up with a lot more, but I'll quit my b**ching right now and try to focus on what is right in my life.  Not the 100 degree day we are expecting though.

So what is extremely right is my Rocky, although he is probably the most exasperating dog on the planet!  I love him to pieces in spite of it. 

Jeannie came by this morning to borrow my bungee cords but we couldn't find them anywhere.   I looked in an outside storage box and they weren't there, but I did find a whole bunch of great gardening items, potting soil, etc., that  I can certainly use.

I need to do some baking this afternoon but just can't get into the mood.  I have recipes handy for zucchini quiche, zucchini muffins, and zucchini bread.  I'll probably glance at the recipes and see which one is the least trouble to make, which will definitely eliminate the quiche.  I also have some yellow squash, which I'm going to call yellow zucchini for the purposes of making muffins or bread!

The weather has  been so hot that it's hard to keep the garden watered.   I am still getting produce from the garden, although I am sure I will have better results next year if I can begin planting sooner.  This year has worked out pretty good considering I got a late start though.  

That's enough for today, and I truly hope I can find some great, inspiring, and happy things to blog about for next time.


  1. I save frequently when composing. It saves lots of frustration for me.

    1. I used tko do that but got out of the habit. I need to start back up, because it is so frustrating to lose what you've written.

  2. Nothing works as it should! Especially my old body.

    1. Hey, I know the feeling. I guess it happens to the best of us.

  3. I am glad that you went to see the dentist. Was he able to save the tooth you broke?

    I have been looking for some documents lately to no avail but I found other things in my search that I had given up on finding.

    I had just started a new blog post had written two or three sentences when the power went out and I lost it all. Do not know if I will re-write it or not.

    1. The dentist is going to be an expensive thing for me. He wouldn't cement the two parts of the tooth because he said it wouldn't hold. He smoothed it a bit and I'm going to let it go for now.

  4. Since I have CRS did you just get a new laptop not to long again? If you did do you use a seperate key board, I cannot use a laptop key board I lose everything and don't know what I hit to cause that to happen. You can pick up really cheap key boards, less problems for me.

    1. I did just get a new laptop and am having the same problems with it that I had with the old one; i.e., I will be typing a line and all of the sudden the letters will start appearing on a different line. I have a separate keyboard, but it's difficult to use. My computer has a large touch pad below the keys, and I can use it to scroll a page, move the cursor, etc. If I am using the keyboard it is more of a hassle to use the touch pad also. Also, I think this keyboard is situated just a bit "off" from a standard keyboard. I am an excellent typist and always have been, but now I'm making so many mistakes I think the keys might be moved just slightly.

    2. Maybe once or twice a week, I will lose what I was working on. But I find if I look for it, I can usually find it. Sometimes the cursor jumps up two or 3 screens, or I will accidentally jump to a tab to the right or left of where I was working. . Its worth looking for, so you don't have to try and remember what you said.
