Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Thanks to the Vets!

My thanks go out to all the military veterans out there.

I didn't go anywhere today except to take a basket of laundry across the street to the dryers.  I need to wash a load of towels but have been putting it off because I hate the thought of not line drying them.  I know I won't do that because of the stuff being dropped from the sky (climate engineering).   I have two sets of summer sheets to wash and dry and store in the back of my linen closet.

I  pulled some frozen chicken breasts out of my freezer a day ago and cooked them, and today made the most delicious chicken soup.  There was so much meat I was able to save enough for a chicken sandwich plus load up the soup.  After all the discussion about how I hated garlic, I realized a small amount of it for flavoring was pretty good, so I bought a jar of dried garlic flakes and added a bit to the soup.  Never say never - I should remember that!

The weather right now is beautiful and sunny although it will be getting dark in about an hour.  I didn't go anywhere today.  I need to store up energy for Monday when I have a cardiologist appointment in the morning and see the chiropractor in the afternoon.  

Believe it or not I'm starting to have stirrings of a desire to get back to acrylic painting.   Whether or not I will actually do that is still a big question.  I wanted to paint my bathroom before I did anything else, but looking at it seriously, there is no way I can reach the ceiling over the shower.  I thought of putting my 3-step ladder into the tub but don't know if it might be too wide to fit.  If I don't do it there is no one else who will, however beautiful their intentions to be helpful.  My kids all have their own families and homes to attend to, and I won't ever ask them for help unless I absolutely need it.

This is really difficult for me, who was always a driven person.  If I wanted something done I wanted it done ASAP, and done well.  That usually meant that I did it myself.  I just can't do that anymore, but getting older does have the advantages of being able to ignore things that you can't change.

Well, that's my philosophy for today.   Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


  1. Fortunately dust and cobwebs are harder to see, so they don't bother me.

    I bought a very nice circular clothesline when we first moved here, but avoid using it because there are long cobweb things on it and the clothes have a strange odor if hung outside,

    In days past I used to do it myself -- but my "little Red Hen" days are over. Yours too I guess.

    1. You are so right on all counts. I think I began to notice the not-so-nice odor on my clothes several months to a year ago, and that's when I quit line drying. I have a lot of towels and still have some in my linen closet that have that good outdoor smell emanating from them. I hate to use them because I know we will never return to those times. And there is very little left that I can do myself, so yes, those days are over. I still fight it now and then however.

  2. I think you should get someone to do the painting in the hard to reach areas. You don't want to fall and brake something, like a bone.

    1. I may have to do that. I sure don't want to break anything, like the ladder, or a bone!

  3. Consider using a paint pad with a long pole to paint the ceilings and other high places. I actually used paint pads for all the painting when I was responsible for seven houses.

    1. I had great success with paint pads "back in the day". Now my eyesight is such that I have to get close to what I'm painting, and best if I can see it at eye level. Of course, being over my head, I won't be able to do that. I might try to put my tall ladder in the tub and hope it's steady enough to climb up on. I'll be ok as long as one of my kids doesn't catch me!
