Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Monday, November 13, 2017

One appointment out of the way

I saw my cardiologist this morning - she is the best doctor, in my memory, that I have ever had; in addition, she knows how to "handle" me and convince me when I get balky!  

I have an upcoming appoint with a hematologist/oncologist the day after Christmas, and have been thinking about cancelling it.  The cardiologist looked at all my medical records and explained things to me that my regular doctor or the endocrinologist didn't explain.   The Cardio definitely wants me to keep the appointment as she says I have a problem with blood marrow that isn't too bad yet, but could turn into cancer if left untreated.   She said it's a matter of taking a pill for it if I start it soon.  She also said it is very possible that symptoms I thought were thyroid (total fatigue) could be due to the bone marrow problem.

Fortunately my daughter was with me and will remember details I often forget.  I also signed papers that she can give or receive all information on my behalf.   I have always remembered a column written by the late Erma Bombeck, entitled "When does the child become the parent, and the parent become the child."

I was so hungry after I got home I fixed myself a ham & chicken sandwich.  It was so good I then fixed a second one.  That's 4 slices of bread, plus 2 slices from the egg sandwich I had for breakfast.   Not the best thing I could be stuffing myself with.   I have to see the chiropractor this afternoon, and will be waddling into his office!

What a start to my week.  I hope all readers have a great week ahead!


  1. It sounds like your focus should be on yourself for now and not on your surroundings. Glad to hear you are making progress.

    1. I do feel better just having a little more information on what the problems are.

  2. Keep the appointment. It sounds like you have a doctor you can trust. As we age, more doctors and more pills are just the fact of it but the alternative is not to see your grandchildren grow up or to feel so badly you don't care about anything.

    1. I would like to last another 2 or 3 years at least, so I will keep my appointment.

  3. Yes, I agree. Please do keep the appointment with the hem/onc doctor. As you know, my husband has Multiple Myeloma, which is a bone marrow disease, and probably had it for years before the symptoms became so acute that he was partially paralyzed for a couple of months.

    Some of the bone marrow diseases have a stage that is called "smoldering" in those early stages, and can be treated much more easily than once the disease catches hold entirely.

    1. That is essentially what the doctor told me, and I appreciate your first-hand input.

  4. So glad you like this new doctor and that she explained things in a manner that no other health care professionals in the past have done. That is what separates an average doctor from a great one.

    "When does the child become the parent, and the parent become the child?"...like death it happens sooner or later.

    Since I am an only child I have asked mother to also list my uncle and my cousin as people who can access her medical information just to be on the safe side.
