Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Thursday, December 8, 2016

No fair!

I went to the dentist this morning to have the stitches removed from last week's extractions, and mentioned again the tooth in front of the molars was still bothering me.  So he suggested he take it out this morning so I could begin healing and be able to get a partial denture sooner.  That was fine with me because I knew it was going to give me more and more trouble.  The big PITA is that I had finally figured out how and what I should be eating, but here I am back to square one.  The alternative was to have a root canal and crown, and at my age I'm not willing to pay for that treatment (plus I can't really afford it).  If I thought I had a few extra years to go over my life expectancy  I might think about it, but the time and expense of all that work made me decide to just have it taken out and get the partial denture once the healing has taken place.

To make matters worse I only ate a banana before going to the dentist this morning and I am ravenous right now.  Maybe a milk shake later on, but probably nothing substantial for me today.  

(Shortly after posting this, I had tomato soup, a little cup of applesauce, and some ice cream.   At least I don't feel quite as hungry now).

The good news (so far) is that the pedometer seems to be working.  Everything is tight, so it isn't easy to open the case to check the number of steps, or to get the device clipped to my waistband.  I hate it that these things are entirely made of plastic, which I'm afraid will crack if I apply too much pressure.   I had hoped to walk at the gym today, but think I will just take it easy and try to stay as warm as I can.  It is a chilly, rainy day, and I don't feel like going anywhere.

I'm bored!  I did some sketching - the panther and elephant, and the elephant surprised me turning out as well as it did.  I feel like doing some painting and am ready to begin a little arrangement of blackberries.  I have the coffee table covered and everything out that I need to work with, but just can't get my act together and get started.   It's too cold in the room where my art table is, and I really prefer painting on it rather than leaning over the coffee table.

I'm just rambling again so I'll quit.  Many thanks to all who helped me out with the pedometer, and have a good day.



  1. Really sorry you had to have another tooth pulled. Do I understand you have to open your pedometer to see your steps? I just look down for steps and push a button for mikes. Is yours an Omron?

    1. All I know is that it's called "The Clicker" and is from Optimal Health Products in San Antonio. It came with a chart of "clicks" or stps equivalents per minute for activities. So for walking at 4mph it's the equivalent of 100 steps per min. Does that sound right? I used to walk 4mph but not any more. I usually get up to about 3.6/3.7 on the treadmill, and occasionally to 3.8 but that's it for me. I'm not going to kill myself over it :-).

      Today certainly hasn't gone like I'd planned, but I think I'm going to be happy with the Clicker. I wanted the simplest thing with the least info, and you can't get much simpler than this. Considering my stride it will take about 2347 clicks to walk one mile, and I think I can do with that.

    2. On my stepper, you set your stride based on measuring how many steps you take in 10'. Then you can tell how long your stride is. It takes me about 2400 steps for a mile. I walked 14776 steps today and that was 6.29 miles. Mine is also really easy to set but doesn't have anything like clicks.

  2. Wow are you plowing through the teeth removal! Am I understanding , you
    will have a 3 tooth partial plate? That won't be cheap either, but cost wise more efficient.
    I think your one tough lady. These are things we are all facing at our age.
    My husband and I are seniors too. I've been dealing with huge sinus problems.
    Also can't decide if it's sinus pressure on my teeth or trouble in that area.
    $128 dollars later and dentist can't find any trouble. And so it goes. Lol
    Hopefully your over the worst of it!

    1. My lower partial will extend all the way around. I have my own teeth in front, but very few on the sides, top or bottom. I have had a partial upper for several years and will probably have to have another tooth added to it, or maybe even get a new one eventually. I suffer bone loss in my jaws, a side effect of taking Boniva for 10 months. That stuff really ruined me - it's supposed to prevent bone loss but either causes it and/or adds to bone problems. I took it back in the mid 2000's. If I could get my hand around Sally Fields' neck I'm not sure what I would do (isn't she the "star" who promoted that awful drug?)

  3. Can't understand why my comment time says 9:48, when my IPad said 6:49.
    Any idea? ( for the above comment )

    1. I live in Pacific Standard Time, but my posts always show up in Eastern, 3 hrs later. I think that's what you are experiencing.

  4. Sorry you lost another tooth. but if they are all on the same side why can't you chew on the other side. Maybe I misunderstood you. We have a couple places here called Affordable Dentures I had to have a bottom partial made a few years ago and it was at that time $200. They are now up to $300. but still a bargain. I also lost my front teeth from bone lose but that was way before I started taking bone meds. but I am not taking Boniva.

    1. A couple of months ago I had to have the bottom molars taken out on the other side. When that finally healed I still had infection which was being caused by the molars on the right, so now I have no bottom molars at all. I can eat certain foods but can't chew anything crunchy or meat. I'm adapting to it pretty well for now, and am determined to have a positive attitude - can't do much else anyway. I haven't talked to the dentist yet about cost of the lower partial.

  5. I feel for you Gypsy! At least you were able to eat something.

    This cold weather is really affecting me, I do not feel like doing anything. If it wasn't for the dogs I would not even go outside.

    1. I'm determined to eat so I keep my strength up. It must be working because a month ago I could barely lift a case of Stella out of the cart, into my car, and then into the house. Today I did it with no problems at all. Stella is the antiseptic solution recommended by my dentist!

      OK, I'm so anxious to hear about the dogs. I know Oscar is probably doing so much better now that he's been neutered, but what is going on with Tammie. I'm dying to know!
