Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Question answered

I thought I'd write a short post to answer a question posed by Linda about what veggies and fruits I use for juicing.  The main two are carrots and kale.  I also use squash (summer stuff, such as zucchini) as it has lots of juice.  Maybe some celery.  I haven't tried them yet, but I read today that broccoli and sweet potatos are fine.

I sweeten the juice with fresh pineapple and apples, maybe nectarines or whatever I have on hand.  Then I like to use some lemon or lime for a little zip.  I haven't tried it yet but supposedly some sprigs of parsley are good.  It's really all trial and error, and what tastes good to you.

I do fruit drinks in the blender, using several kinds of berries and a banana.  I often start with about 3/4 glass of milk, add some protein powder and the fruit, and if I have it on hand, add a handful of fresh spinach (which doesn't do as well in the juicer).  I'm following Dr. Bergman's advice on what machine to use - the juicer removes the  undigestible pulp and leaves you with a vitamin and mineral-rich drink, and is good for cleaning the arteries.  The blender for the softer fruits has something to do with bioflavenoids.  I don't understand it, nor do I need to understand the reason why, but it sounds good to me.

As I said before Jeannie almost immediately noticed a drop in her blood sugars when she started drinking the juice, and thus requires less insulin.  She is Type 1 diabetetic by the way, and while I don't know much about Type 2, I'm sure it would work the same for lowering blood sugar.   The only side effect of juicing that I have experienced is that it makes me tired while I'm doing it!  By the way, the bottles of juice in the grocery cooler are not substitutes for juicing fresh fruits and vegetables.  The companies are owned by soft drink giants such as Pepsi, for one thing, and they are driven by the bottom line rather than health; to be effective the juice has to be made and used within 3 to 4 days.  If it is sold in groceries it has no doubt been pasteurized which removes any health benefits that may have been associated with it in its pure state.

So there you go, Linda A.  As I've said before, you ask me what time it is and I will build you a clock!  It's the Gemini in my astrological chart.


  1. I use beets to sweeten my juice. I make up a lot when produce is abundant and cheap. Put in quart jars and freeze in my large upright deep freeze.

  2. You answered a few questions I had too. My daughter has type 2 and was told not to have to many fruits because of the sugar, but veggies were fine. When I get home I will be going back to my drinks also.

  3. Thank you for the info on juicing. We were told to use a base of carrots and add to that. Guess it depends
    on your bodies needs. We have a Champion juicer and yes it is a lot of prep and
    clean up including the shopping for fruits and veggies.
    But you have inspired me to consider getting back to it. I know it has so many benefits.
    Enjoy your posts!

  4. LOL at your comment at the end. I think the details you gave were very interesting and I'm sure much appreciated by anyone interested in juicing. I've always done my vegetable "smoothies" in the blender since I was told that the "pulp" is fiber and much needed by the intestines and other parts of the body. My breakfast juice had mostly spinach with other veggies and a banana and any other fruits I had around combined with a little water. Folks would come into my office and say eewww what is that green stuff you are drinking. I kept little cups to give them a taste and they always said wow that tastes good. Eventually there were no eewwws anymore. Good stuff.
