Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

No Change, Maybe Worse!

I bought some OTC medicine for coughs and colds at the grocery yesterday, and even sent a message to my doctor (of course, no response yet).  I'm getting no better and might be a little worse but don't know what to do about it.  I still think it's all allergy related.  I'm hoping Jeannie stops by after work today because I would like to see if she will pick up some other meds for me - I'm using the last of my benadryl but need something for the cough.  This is worse than anything I remember.

I've been drifting in and out of sleep, and at least the sleep makes me feel a little better, until I wake up.  Its a long day and I hate to think how much of the lovely weight gain I've lost.  I've had no fever though, at least according to the "Dr. Mom" method of checking for fever!  

I feel like moaning and saying "Call Gilligan".  I don't think any of my readers are from Cincinnati, but if you are and are near my age you would know that it was settled by Germans  and Irish.  Some neighborhoods are   still a little ethnic, as with there being a German Catholic church right across the street from an Irish Catholic church!  Each ethnicity had its own merchants, which even ran to the funeral homes.  When I started out on my first job, some of the co-workers who didn't feel well would moan and announce (jokingly) "Call Gilligan" who was the Irish undertaker!  I have plenty of German ancestry but I honestly can't remember who the Germans used for funerals.  Even now I sometimes say to myself, "Call Gilligan" when I'm feeling really ill!  I don't say it out loud because people will think I'm crazy.  You probably think I'm stark raving mad!!  

I hope you are all feeling well, with no need to "call Gilligan", who is still in business, by the way.


  1. Please be careful in taking Benadryl. I am about your same age and a friend (our age) alerted me that her doctor warned her about taking it as it can cause dementia problems in seniors. I have not taken one since hearing this. Google to read up on it. Common anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl linked to increased dementia risk. ... In a report published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers offers compelling evidence of a link between long-term use of anticholinergic medications like Benadryl and dementia. Anticholinergic drugs block the action of acetylcholine.May 23, 2017king

    1. My supply of Benadryl expired about a month ago and I don't intend to get any more of it. I used to take it to help me get a good night's sleep and finally associated all my weird symptoms with it, so I got rid of most of it. I just held out a few pills for cases of emergency. I need to find something to help me temporarily, but don't have a clue which meds are related and what to avoid.

      Thank you so much for the warninb - I just googled anticholinergic drugs and won't ever take it again! I will just tough it out if I have to. I'm noticing a lot of "senior moments" lately which is probably related, as well as some instability.

    2. I also used it to aid in a good night's sleep - half a pill would do it. Since hearing this have not taken another. I had the cold/cough in February and it was three weeks before I was feeling better. Take care and hope to hear you are feeling better soon.

  2. To help with the cough get Mucinex it is the expectorant guaifenesin. It will soften the congestion so you can cough it up without throwing a rib out of place(been there, don't ever want to do that, again). Just be sure to drink plenty of water so the expectorant can do its job.

  3. I too, use Mucinex/Mucinex Max and it works well. Agree on drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated.

  4. I will look for Mucinex tomorrow and read the info on the box very carefully. I realize that I've been having problems with memory all the time lately, and have been very worried that I was getting dementia. I should probably just take only natural products and stay away from brand name OTC's. I'd love to have my clear mind back!

    1. Mullen leaf and coltsfoot tea will do the same thing for you. 2 cups boiling water, 1 teaspoon each of dried Mullen leaf and Coltfoot leaf. Cover and steep for 10 to 15 minutes, strain into a large mug. Add honey and lemon juice to taste (about a 1/2 teaspoon each for me). Guaifenesin is found in the Mullen leaf and the coltsfoot soothes the tightness in your chest. The honey, lemon juice and warm fluid soothe the throat. I probably drink three or four cups a day until my cough settles down.

    2. I would have to chase around to find the ingredients, whereas I know exactly where the Mucinex is on the shelf. This would be no bother to me if I felt better. I don't even feel like going to the closest store I can buy Mucinex!

  5. Love your "Call Gilligan" antidote. Different areas of the country have many interesting sayings that make no sense to anyone else. I have the allergy cough too. Mine comes with itchy watery eyes but all the allergy OTC make me groggy.

    1. I would gladly be groggy to get some relief. It's all in your perspective! I've been napping off and on all day, so I guess I could be called groggy. I hope this doesn't last much longer!
