Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Aggravations in life

I haven't really had much to blog about because it's the same old things I deal with  all the time.  I often wonder what life would be like if I just got off the computer altogether, although that probably doesn't bear thinking about!  I keep getting emails from sites I visit to request that I use the long form sign in (just to make sure it's me?).  Apple did that to me this morning and I believe it is a fake and a fraud because while it looks legit, they ask for my full SSN, whereas real sites only want the last 4 digits.  There are some other questionable items so I wrote to the address I have for Apple and asked them if they sent it.  Things like that can set me off for the entire day!

It looks to be a very nice sunny day ahead with the temps going up to the mid-60's, which is PERFECT!  I'll try to concentrate on that rather than the computer.  I'm really wanting to spend less time online anyway.

I got a visit from my grandson Liam yesterday with some homework he needed my input on.   He was supposed to ask an old person at least over 60 yrs of age (they call 60 "Old"??) some questions about what things were different between "then and now".  I gave the questions a lot of thought and realized what a wonderful and precious childhood I had.  Some questions concerned things from "now" that I wish I had "then", and I really couldn't think of anything.  I didn't have TV, computers, tons of toys, etc., and our phone was on a party line.  I don't think my childhood would have been any better with them, and I certainly didn't miss anything that wasn't even available yet.   The questions were all along those lines, and I had a great trip down memory lane, also sharing with my grandson how things were back then!   My son Steve was with him and he even got into the spirit of remembering things such as having milk in glass bottles delivered to our back door.

I remember being poor, although I don't think we were any more poor than most others around us.   I'd appreciate any comments you might want to make about your childhood and how you relate "then" to "now".   I think I'm happy now but I wouldn't want then to have been any different for me than it was.

It's almost lunchtime and I need to figure out what I need to do in the here and now!


  1. I know Mom-n-Dad juggled the money to see to it we were feed, clothed, and our medical needs taken care of. But we were FREE as children. We ran out the door at day-light as kids and roamed the whole town looking for adventure with other kids in our neighborhood. Rinse-n-repeat all summer long and we did it all bare-foot. The kids today are not free to explore the world around them.

    1. The freedom is probably the most memorable to me, even though as the oldest I had a lot of responsibility with helping take care of the younger ones.

  2. I had a wonderful childhood. Having wonderful parents and relatives helped make it very special.

    1. I agree. I couldn't have asked for a better family to grow up in.

  3. I agree Judy. The kids now have no freedom. Playing with friends and roaming the neighborhood was such a huge part of my childhood.

    1. Mine too. I can remember riding my bike with my next in line brother, trying to find new streets and get ourselves lost. We might not have known where we were, but were never lost.

  4. I agree with the freedom to roam as being the best. We lived next door to my grandparents so someone was always home if we needed food or a bandaid. We didn't have money but we were rich in so many other ways.

    1. Amen! When you think of "rich", there are so many things to be rich in, and money is probably one of the least of them. Although I often wish I had a little more than I do, lol.

  5. I was also the 'oldest' and had brother watching duties alot of the time. But, yes, we were free, playing, riding bikes, walking to school, and it was a long ways... We NEVER ate out, mom always fixed meals from scratch, canned, baked.. dont know how she did it all but she did! She made ALL my clothes. We would visit other families or they would visit us. Long Sunday drives in the 'woods' I found books and was entertained for hours.... Yes, those were the times....

    1. I can relate so well to your description of life in the "old days". As I've told my kids, I wouldn't trade a minute of it for all the conveniences and electronics of today, although I appreciate many of them now. I still don't like to eat out, although my kids sure do.

  6. Being asked for my full social security number would certainly set off a lot of bells for me. Glad you wrote to Apple to inquire about them. With all the data breaches you can never be too careful.

    Enjoy your wonderful temperatures...it was a hot 93 degrees here today.

    I am glad I grew up when you could still go trick or treating and not have to worry about being poisoned. I rode my bike all over town and always felt safe. I do not think I would have wanted to have any of the modern electronics in my youth that are available now.

    1. I found out you can't "write" to Apple at all. You must call them (imagine how long you'd be on hold!). I would want to talk to someone eventually, but at first I'd like to write in hopes they would let me know how to proceed. Customer service these days is a joke.

      It is going to start getting warmer this week. I knew the comfortable weather wouldn't last, although I'm sure there are folks who love the heat.

      The common responses I'm getting refer to riding a bike all over. We sure got more exercise back then - I doubt if I could ride on a bike even one city block now.

  7. Boy you are right, anyone asking for your ssn is up to no good. I think all these electronic things are bad for our lives and for our friendships although I wouldn't know you without them.I agree, I had freedom to play outside and roam all over. Kids now have such full schedules of activities I don't see when they have time to dream.

    1. The electronics are definitely a two-edged sword! But I'm so glad there are forums such as blogs where like minded people can meet and become friends.
