I did a lot of mundane things this morning, pay rent, go to the hardware store, stop at Michael's, and then to Target where I usually get cash out of the ATM for my month's needs. I had my debit card in my hand, but was also stuffing receipts from Michael's into my wallet so I could close it. All of the sudden I didn't have my debit card. I walked all the way back to my car and then tried to trace my route to the Target entrance; luckily I glanced to the right in the very spot the card lay on the ground. I would have been in a world of hurt if I lost that card! I was really ready to come home and relax.
My granddaughter Autumn's birthday is in the 3rd wk of December, so I shopped at Michael's for her present. I ended up getting a set of oil crayons and a book with the proper paper to use for the oils. I'm not sure about them, but I think you draw with them and then can smudge them with your fingers. I think the result should be quite nice, and I can't wait to see what Autie does with them. It won't be easy for me to not give them to her the next time I see her!
I'm getting a little motivated to get back to some kind of artwork. You might remember I did a series of small canvasses of fruits and vegetables. I have one more to go, and have already drawn an avocado on the canvas - it just needs to be painted in and finished off. I think it's been a year or more since I've touched anything artistic, and I will be relieved to finish this one. Then I'll have to decide about what I might do in the future. I haven't tried water colors yet, or the oil crayons, and they might be something to look into. I really think I would prefer to stick with the acrylics for now at least.
I heard this afternoon that an earthquake hit in the Dover, Delaware area and immediately thought of my niece and her husband who live there. I wrote my brother, and after trying to reach my niece for about 2 hrs they finally got her. Everything is ok.
I've always heard that the rocky ground transfers tremors differently than in the west. Stories abound about the quake years ago that hit the New Madrid fault in Missouri; they said that the ground tremors caused church bells to ring as far away as Boston. So I don't take reports of quakes in the eastern U.S. lightly (or in the west for that matter). I've only experienced a slight tremor once in my life and it took me a minute to even figure out what it was. I was sitting in a rocking chair when I had the sensation the seat was sliding sideways, back and forth. It wasn't a strong event, but I can at least say I've felt an earthquake from a distance!
So that's been my day - pretty much like many other days for me. But I feel pretty good, and am happy - what more can I ask for?
Last Visit to the Silver Springs for this Year
7 hours ago