Eastern Utah
EMAIL ME AT: mgypsy97 at aol dot com

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Straw Hat Pizza

Taking the family to Straw Hat for an evening of getting together and good food was the highlight of yesterday.  The adults enjoyed the conversation and good natured ribbing, and the kids were off on their own and enjoying it as well.  I hated to see the evening come to an end, but there's always next time when Mike and family visit us and I can get us all together.  

For the most part people didn't keep their cell phones in front of them and had mostly good eye-to-eye conversation.  Once in a while I saw one of them sneak out their phones but it was just a quick look so I didn't make a big deal of it.  I did tell everyone to begin with that no phones were allowed, and I said it in a joking manner so as not to offend anyone.  I'm a dying breed and connectivity is probably the most important thing to younger people (as well as many oldies), and I accept that even if I don't like it.  I am proud of raising a good bunch of kids though.
Jeannie & Ara want me to meet them at the gym this afternoon, and I surely need it.  But my sister and her husband might stop by for a while before going back home in Nevada; Mike & his boys will be here for some part of the day, and I just don't know if I'll have the energy in late afternoon.  I'll just see how I feel.

The longer I go without hearing from the cardiologist the more hopeful I am that I won't need surgery at this time.  The report indicates there is good news and bad news, and I will just focus on the good!

I was stopped at a traffic light on my way to Straw Hat, and watched a grown man, probably in his 30's, who was dancing around, gesturing, and swinging around the light post, obviously high on something.  He was in his own world, for sure, but I was laughing to myself that I needed some of whatever it was he took to put him in that state!  (Only joking, that is the last thing in the world I would ever want to do.)



  1. Maybe that guy was just celebrating the birth of his fist son or the woman he proposed marriage to just said yes. Who knows, but then he may have been high on something.

    1. Who knows, but his behavior was pretty erratic. I worried about him being on that busy corner and falling off the curb,

  2. I'm happy you all had a great time at Straw Hat Pizza. Sometimes you just have to put it out there about the phones. I have stopped friends ships over the phone. Why do you want to be around people if you can't stay off the darn thing. But the big reason I ended a friend ship of a long time friend when she just had to answer that dam phone while entering the free way and almost crashed into some one. After repeatedly telling her about answering that thing while driving.

    1. I don't think it's ever safe to use a phone in a car. If I ever have to make or answer a call I will let it wait until I'm someplace I can pull over and stop out of the traffic. It all worked out last night - I made my point as nicely as I could and they pretty much followed my wishes, although as I said, I could see someone sneak a glance at their phones once in a while. But no one was typing or really engrossed in it. What I hate is when people start scrolling through their pictures and insist on showing me when I can't see the darn things. I think my kids realize my vision doesn't cover the phone stuff so they don't bother me with it, but my youngest sister drives me crazy wanting to show me photos.

  3. Busy times are always fun I think especially with those you love. Glad the phones were mostly absent. I think it's an addiction. Seriously.

    1. I think it is a total addiction, but I've decided I'm never going to un-addict anyone with my negative attitude toward them. It all worked out fine last night so I'm happy, and i didn't have to be a grouch about it.
